'The participation of non-Muslims in PAS - and by Muslims in DAP - will be a catalytic process which can bring unity and better understanding.'
20,000 non-Muslims now full PAS members
Azmil Tayeb : These non-Muslim members in PAS are Pakatan Rakyat's 1Malaysia. I encourage Muslims to join DAP too, and in so doing, all will coalesce into one platform. The participation of non-Muslims in PAS - and by Muslims in DAP - will be a catalytic process which can bring unity and better understanding.
PKR is already multi-racial, so now PAS and DAP should follow. Together we can bring about reform.
Chinnatambi: Bravo, great move. The people are starting to believe in PAS' policies and pledges. The great Prophet has proven it with his rule of Muslims and non-Muslims in the early days. It can be done again if everyone understands the need of fairness and stability in economic matters.
Anonymous: Where can we get the application forms?
'Blame yourselves for defections, PKR'
Jiminy Qrikert: (Kulim state representative) Lim Soo Nee, what is it that you are not satisfied about?
That your own agenda is being sidelined for the greater interests of the rakyat? That Kedah equals PAS and PKR/DAP must play second fiddle? How about Selangor equals PKR and DAP/PAS must play second fiddle? Or in Penang, DAP equals Penang and PKR/PAS need to play second fiddle?
The only question the rakyat want answered is whether in these states, sectarian policies are being practised that marginalise the other races. I think PKR in Selangor has done pretty well, given that it's been only two years since March 2008, compared to 53 years under Umno.
Lim, is it because you want a bigger bite of the cake and have not been able to do so because PAS is ultra-clean? If they are not clean, would you like to spill the beans? So Lim, what is it that you are not satisfied about?
Patriot: BN in their desperation, will take anyone - character or conduct does not matter as long as it gets the seats to make the numbers and reclaim Kedah. Pakatan has a lot of soul-searching to do to see how it can correct its own weaknesses and find ways of conducting a more transparent and fair handling of members' complaint.
Be willing to change inside before you can bring about change outside. Have frequent open dialogue with your team and listen to what they have to say, but be firm and say no to threats and demands. You are better off without these people who only serve as thorns. Even if they do not give up their seat when they leave, the rakyat will eventually consign them into oblivion.
It is a great achievement that the three parties with diverse ideologies work together as one. This is very worrying to BN.
Keturunan Malaysia: Lim, you were chosen by PKR to stand, and if elected, to work for all Malaysians to defend and champion their rights for freedom, justice and a level-playing field. If you feel that PKR is made up of too many thorns to get your job done, cure it from within.
The voters chose PKR as their vehicle, and in turn, PKR chose you as their representative. If you suddenly choose to change your mind now because you find it very difficult, then the right and most honourable thing for you is to resign. Definitely, it's not for you to quietly ‘frog' out.
Chandrasekar Krishnasamy: It is obvious the semut (ants) are out of the sarang (nest) in Kota Sarang Semut. Good work Lim, a credible state representative.
Kedah Pakatan 'intact', media blamed
Moontime: Umno is like a divorcee who is pining for his ex-wife. In Malay, this is called 'gila talak'. They don't have the slightest idea on how to behave/act like an opposition because they have been in power for so long.
Arrogance and ego prevent them from eating humble pie. This event (Pakatan Kedah's Kota Sarang Semut rally) may cool things down somewhat, but the efforts by this 'gila talak' party will no doubt continue.
Be careful, Kedah Pakatan. Always watch your back for hidden/subtle moves, especially by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. We all know that MACC is BN's secret weapon to bring down Pakatan-led states.
Nicholas Lim: The dynamics within Kedah is different compared to Perak. In Perak, we had a Pakatan government where the majority of its state reps were non-Malays. Umno successfully portrayed the Malay representatives as being under the thumb of the DAP Chinese. Plus, they had the full backing of the state mufti and palace.
In Kedah, PAS' strength among the Malays is equal, or greater, than that of Umno. The Malay grassroots will not accept a coup, especially if the defecting reps are from PKR and DAP. There will be an incredible backlash against Umno if they topple the Kedah government, which is dominated by PAS. Kedah Umno would be committing suicide.
Don't fret, Pakatan supporters - Kedah will become an impenetrable PAS fortress soon enough. What the Kedah Menteri Besar Abdul Razak said will resonate loudly within the Kedah heartland:
"In a democratic system, one loses or wins; since Merdeka, we have been losing, but we are patient. Now we've got a chance to rule, but Umno is using all kinds of immoral and shameless methods to bring us down."
Well said, MB.
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