'Karpal Singh, present the evidence and file the case. Show the people that even though we know we will never get a fair judgment in our courts, we will follow the law.'
CKS: If you watch the (Malaysiakini) video , at minute 3:52, Prime Minster Najib Razak said "this is the government that cares for the people", immediately after he made the "deal" (with the people of Rejang Park).
Isn't that an irony? Furthermore, he said he is the PM for all Malaysians. He should develop Rejang Park no matter what with no strings attached, unconditionally.
This is much like small kids saying to each other: you friend me, I friend you. You don't friend me, I don't friend you.
Najib must set a good example to all government leaders, staff and civil servants. Since he has done this, then all civil servants now have the excuse to bribe. Najib must not forget he is the top leader of the country. All eyes are watching his examples and moves.
Sarawakian: It was blatant and it was bribery. That's why many were offended by Najib. He thinks that he can buy people with their own money. As for the Election Commission, what can one say. They might as well let Perkasa take over their job. Such shameful and unprofessional behaviour. Fair-minded Malaysians are offended and fed up .
Malaysian for Malaysia: Karpal Singh, present the evidence and file the case against Najib. Show the people that even though we know we will never get a fair judgment in our courts, we will follow the law.
Show them that Pakatan Rakyat is about following the law and it's spirit and never about the abuse that BN and Umno perpetuate.
Justice: It's okay to make complaints when you lose. Be a gracious winner. He is in all intents and purposes the chief executive of Malaysia, and as such he is entitled to give away anything he likes until voted out. Karpal should be careful as well as PKR has been doing the same things. Let dead dogs lie.
Victor Johan: As CEO of Malaysia, Najib also has to abide by the country's laws and order. He, like all other Malaysians, is also subjected to legal suits when he defies the law. I hope Najib knows that CEO does not stand for 'chief embezzling officer' of the country.
Lusiapa: Nobody is above the law. That he is the PM does not give him the immunity from prosecution. His shameless attempt to bribe the voters of Sibu renders him unfit to hold office as head of government. He must not be let off scot-free this time. What was captured on video is conclusive evidence of a serious breach of election laws. It will be interesting to see how our impotent judiciary and police react to such a blatant violation.
Kazakh: Pakatan Rakyat should make a police report and a report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on this matter, Evidence is aplenty to commit Najib to jail for his attempt to bribe Rejang Park and the Hulu Selangor voters.
Arul Inthirarajah: Clearly a police report must be made against Najib. This was a blatant violation of the Election Offences Act being a clear case of attempted bribery and corruption. So much for leadership by example. Do he, the Election Commission and the attorney-general believe that the PM is above the law?
Why pick on cops taking $50 bribes if the PM openly encourages this sort of behaviour? Should we then be surprised that there has been a steady breakdown in the rule of law in the country, when the PM flouts, and openly flouts the breaking of the law. Shameful behaviour indeed.
Christine Yong: It is blatant, I heard this repeatedly from people who are stopped by traffic police. When we plead guilty and ask them to give us a chance and help us, the police will say "you tolong saya, saya tolong you". Now this is coming from prime mminister. Is this leadership by example?
Also, if he can openly corrupt and bribe, what about in secret? That is the reason for so many kataks ? When the time is right, all the independent MPs will join BN for its two-third majority.
KKCheong: Karpal cannot take Najib to court under criminal proceedings because that would have to go through the AG (attorney-general). So in the end, nothing will happened.
Not Confused: In many ways, it is a great day for Malaysia - and yet other ways, another very sad day for Malaysia. An incumbent PM so obviously and blatantly bribing voters to vote for BN.
But then what's new? Absolutely despicable - the rest of the world is laughing at the lame and desperate attempts by BN to cling to power - power that was so clearly demonstrated on Sunday, is slipping away from a corrupt and arrogant government.
Still, this was a major flip-side for the opposition and hopefully it will encourage them to re-double their efforts to overcome the sometimes insurmountable odds placed in their way by using whatever underhand means BN can muster.
Liaw Sche Chan: You ask everyone and all of them will agree it was an outright bribery. Only the EC says it's just an coincidence. These people are really there for gaji buta (blindly receiving their salaries).
MW: The video is all over Youtube. Just view it and judge for yourselves... and let your conscience guide you in the next election.
Azmil Tayeb: Najib, the money is not your money but my money. This is clear-cut money politics and threat. The people must know that it is the government's responsibility to mitigate the flood and not use (it) to garner votes.
Sarajun Hoda: Karpal should take Najib to a public court, because going to the Malaysian judiciary, nothing will happen and the mainstream media will spin it differently.
A public court should be set up with retired members of the bench as judges in an open court so that the maximum number of people can attend. Perhaps a closed stadium, for example, in Selangor.
Let the people judge. This way, we can hit two birds with one stone. Try Najib by public trial and send a message to the police and judiciary, that we don't have faith in them anymore.
Cala: Sibu by-election is a small test for the Umno-led BN coalition. Since their first day after joining Malaysia in 1961, Sarawak people have been no strangers to the current ruling regime. The latter were given at least 49 years to do their work and to secure people's trust.
To tempt locals for votes on the eve of the Sibu by- election is a manifestation of a failed regime, is it not?
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