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Will Hulu S'gor be Pakatan's Ijok?
Published:  Apr 24, 2010 7:29 AM
Updated: 11:44 PM

your say 'The reality of the situation is that Umno is still strong in the rural areas simply because they can throw money during the elections and buy votes.'


Kit Siang: Zaid trailing, needs 85% Chinese vote

Doc: The reality of the situation is that Umno is still strong in the rural areas simply because they can throw money during the elections and buy votes. It has happened in Ijok and is happening in Hulu Selangor.

In the urban area, that's a different story; urbanites are more informed on the current political situation, more assessable to the online media, well aware on Umno's tricks and not swayed by Umno's pocket money.

PKR needs to learn from PAS on how to deal with rural voters for PAS supporters are not swayed by Umno's antics and vote-buying.

Thik: Antagonise Hindraf and this is what you get. The Indians have realised that it's better to deal with the known devil than the unknown devil. I say devil because Pakatan Rakyat is equally a devil after they betrayed the Indians in Kampung Buah Pala. Every Pakatan politician closed their eyes because RM600 million was at stake. Penny wise and pound foolish. Pakatan deserves this.

Urban Malaysian: To those commentators who are defending Hindraf and blaming Pakatan for alienating Indian Malaysians - if you think better the devil that you know, I say, go ahead. Vote P Kamalanathan and restore BN in Hulu Selangor.

If after 52 years of BN with Indian Malaysians still dirt poor and marginalised, you guys think Pakatan with only two years in power and who isn't the federal government has 'mistreated' Indians, then I say you deserve your poverty and marginalisation.

Why not give Pakatan a chance; help them get to Putrajaya and then give them 5 years or 10 years to see what they can do?

Justice Bao: It looks like the Indians are going to do another Ijok in Hulu Selangor ... maybe for about RM200 each, while Felda settlers get RM50,000. Remember what's his name from Raja Musa estate who actually beat current MB Khalid Ibrahim in Ijok ... and Khalid came back in 2008 to take over the whole of Selangor.

Those who play the Indian card must remember it's a double edged sword. Money changes everything. History will repeat itself in Hulu Selangor. Say bye-bye to this country. It is not the system, it is the people.

Kgen: If 85 percent support is required from the Chinese then I'm confident that the Chinese will deliver. They will show that they are descendants of the dragon with the courage to vote out an unjust regime. As for the Indians will they prove that (former Najib's aide) Nasir Safar was wrong to call them descendants of beggars?

I'm not saying that Nasir Safar was right but the Indians seem to take all the insults and injustice lying down. The one which needs to be taught a lesson is BN, not Pakatan. You do not give a lesson to David when he is battling Goliath and be smug about it. If David doesn't survive then you're at the mercy of Goliath and good luck to you.

If the Indians will not stand with PR to fight for a better Malaysia then so be it. You deserve the government you vote for. Let them try their luck with BN for the next 50 years if they think they will receive better treatment under BN. Or will they be treated as beggars to be thrown some sweets during elections?

Tired: The seven-point appeal to MCA members from LKS (Lim Kit Siang) smacks of racism. It's difficult not to detect his insinuation that the Chinese in Malaysia are being oppressed by a Malay government. LKS picked the traffic bill as an example because the minister is a Chinese.

He also says the BN federal government refuses to systematically increase the number of Chinese schools. But he forgets, or choose to forget, that Malaysia is the only country in the world that allows Chinese schools to exist.

Not just that, the federal government also provides funds to Chinese schools. Even the US and LKS' favourite country, Singapore, do not allow chinese schools.

Aramsa: Lim Kit Siang is saying that Zaid Ibrahim is trailing because the Malays and Indians are not likely to vote the way they should be and if he is to win he has to rely on Chinese votes. But to clarify, he also needs a lot of Malay and Indian votes.

Certainly, I do not see LKS as being racist in saying that. He is not propounding things Chinese. He is just appealing to the MCA Chinese to support Pakatan in view of MCA's failure.

Pakatan does not need to pay a high price, they would just lose the Hulu Selangor seat. That's all. It is the Indian who is going to pay the price. So much being said of Indians being marginalised. But if at this juncture, the Indians have the ‘Indian vote Indian' mentality, then they deserve to be trampled for another 52 years.

Yuvan: I just hope the Chinese voters in Hulu Selangor are far-sighted and are able to understand the more serious issues facing this country.

It is all about supporting a candidate representing a government that is trying hard to sell its '1Malaysia' to people - 52 years after Merdeka - or supporting a candidate who is talking about true democracy for all Malaysians, irrespective of their race, religion, colour and creed. See the difference?

Confused: Kit Siang, from day one we know it is a foregone conclusion that BN will win this by-election. There is no way to beat BN which has the money, media and government authorities all under their control. It is an unfair contest. The opposition got to wait for the next GE when BN's attention and money are spread out thinner.

With this by-election, they will put everything into it to make sure that they win at all cost.

M Mano: Do not give up hope. I go to Hulu Selangor everyday and not bothered by the 90-minute journey nor the tortuous jam through Rawang, and I only reach home after 12 midnight.

It's time to sound the clarion call. All of us who want to see Malaysia saved must do the utmost necessary - reach out to your family members, friends, etc, who are voters in Hulu Selangor, either by SMS, telephone calls, emails, and going there to talk to the voters.

I have already sent out emails to more than 400 recipients. This is a historic fight to save this nation. Do not waste a single moment.


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