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The recycled politicians in MCA
Published:  Mar 17, 2010 8:10 AM
Updated: 12:14 AM

your say 'An ex-MCA president who led his party to an unprecedented defeat in the March 8 general election can still be in demand in the party. This shows that MCA has no talent to lead...'


Ka Ting joins fray, to go for No 1

Sunshine: Tell us again: Why did you leave in the first place?

Ng Seng Tong: Ong Ka Ting has never been known to be a fighter-all-the-way when it comes to presenting issues of the Chinese community to the Umno/BN government. Yes, Umno would hear him out, but that's about all.

Umno would not listen to him, thus, all issues affecting the Chinese are ignored. Wasn't he the president of MCA just before the last held general election? If he had represented the Chinese effectively, MCA would not have been trashed in the general election.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak prefers him rather than Ong Tee Keat because he is easier meat to chew. MCA members, don't be short-sighted. In your earnest desire to get over the in-fighting in your party by electing him, you are going to be frustrated with him and his way of forever kowtowing to Umno. Please check his track record in this area.

Azmil Tayeb: There it goes. The Umno running dog is contesting. If he takes over MCA, then the results of the next general election will be the last election for MCA. The party will be finally put to rest and cremated.

Changeagent: Ong Ka Ting's comeback statement is so predictable and cliched. Of course, it's the party delegates who have 'urged him to do so'. Never mind the fact that it was under his helm that MCA was almost obliterated in the last general elections.

Instead of listening to the party delegates only, it would be wise for him to also listen to the larger Chinese community. They do not trust him nor his leadership capabilities. Is that message loud and clear enough for Ka Ting?

Rayfire: I sincerely hope that MCA members will decide to reject all of them! Why is there a need to replace one lap dog with another? Both Ong Tee Keat and Ong Ka Ting lack the qualities needed to lead the party out of its miserable state. Chua Soi Lel also lacks credibility.

MCA members, please don't waste your energy and vote on these losers. Please look for more credible leaders. If you can't find one who really has the ability to lead, I suggest you leave and find different avenues to be of service to your community.

All these rejects have one thing in common: they all accept orders blindly from their master (Umno). Please reject them if you really love and care for your community and Malaysia.

Habib RAK: The best thing for OKT (Ong Ka Ting) to do to help MCA members is to quit BN and be an NGO. Being a lapdog to Umno is simply helping it to screw the Chinese community.

Mari Cari Amoi: What has Ong Ka Ting done for the community during his tenure besides being a good lap dog? Just because he is not holding a position now in MCA does not means he is an angel and can be a saviour. The best solution for MCA is close shop and distribute its RM2 billion assets.

Long Arm: MCA is at it again. Ever wondered why so many people give all they've got for this position? It is the same for every BN position, the head automatically will become a millionaire during his tenure and after his retirement. The prize is for selling the Chinese Malaysian community to Umno.

Beetle: I wonder why these MCA leaders are still fighting to lead a so-called Chinese party when it does not have the support of the Chinese. People are now supporting multi-racial parties with leaders who are incorruptible.

Whoever seeks to lead MCA will face total humiliation and be whitewashed in the 13th general election. Can't they even read the sentiments of the people? Or are the temptations of power and money so great that they have blinded them?

Kgen: Look at these clowns jostling to see who can be ‘The Last Malaysian Eunuch' before MCA is swept to the dustbins of history along with Umno and the rest of BN.

1melayu: MCA does not have the Chinese' support. He is not doing it for his community. He is doing it for himself. Ong Ka Ting, as they say, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but never all the people all the time."

Justine: He is out to destroy MCA. The last time he led the party, it was nearly wiped out. He killed off capable leaders like Jimmy Chua (Jui Meng), Fong Chan Onn, Ting Chew Peh and replaced them with incapable youngsters, leaving the party in such a sorrowful state of affairs.

Gk: An ex-MCA president who led his party to an unprecedented defeat in the March 8 general election can still be in demand in the party. This shows that MCA has no talent left to lead the party, to the extent it still requires (or no other choices) adulterer, loser and a Brutus.

Cala: What is missing from Ka Ting's pledges? Ka Ting justifies his return from retirement to join in the fray of the March 28 party election for presidency by making known his grounds:

i) to work toward curtailing excessive presidential powers; and

ii) to restore MCA's institutional environment where a general assembly runs supreme to president and party exco (Williamson, 2000).

Say what you like, these are good enough reasons for the past president to make a comeback. No one can fault him. In so doing, he gives a tight slap on OTK for abusing his power during his stint as president, and one more slap on each OTK and CSL respectively for ignoring decisions taken at the Oct 10, 2009 EGM.

In this regard, Ka Ting's pledge to right the wrong is laudable. But something is missing. I think he has to declare in what way he will lead the party out of current doldrums to fight in the 13th general elections. To me, that is the bigger battlefield, and one that is fraught with danger.

Tey Khang Fai: OKT, have you sense of shame? You have not done anything for the Chinese community during your few terms as president. Save some face for the Chinese in Malaysia so that we don't have a lot to explain to our next generation.

Cks: It was reported that OKT met Najib just yesterday; presumably to get his endorsement for his comeback. It is so him, so MCA!

Tkc: Bravo. MCA is now certified green because we have recycled politicians. Joke aside, if Ka Ting is elected, there will be no further action on the PKFZ scam.


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