Race and religion: Umno & Co on 'overdrive'
Published:  Feb 14, 2010 9:09 AM
Updated: 1:54 AM

vox populi big thumbnail 'Educated people can see BN's ploy in creating racial and religious tensions in Penang and Selangor, though ordinary folks will be more inclined to believe the rumours and insinuations.'


No Prophet's birthday procession ban, says CM

Disgusted: It looks like Utusan and Umno-related NGOs have gone on an overdrive to destabilise the Pakatan Rakyat governments to secure Penang and Selangor in the next general election. Perak is already in their pocket with the help of the frogs, the sultan and the judiciary.


I hope Pakatan can overcome all these propaganda and lies with real, honest open dealings and dialogues with the rakyat before any further damage could be done by the Umno-controlled media.

Educated people with broad thinking minds can see BN's ploy in creating racial and religious tensions in Penang and Selangor, though ordinary folks will be more inclined to believe the rumours and insinuations.

Tan Che Wee: If the Prophet Muhammad's birthday procession was indeed cancelled, I will sue Lim Guan Eng. And if Utusan Malaysia 's statement is false, then they should be punished.

Every false news will hurt Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's 1Malaysia concept.

Louis: If it is true that the state government has cancelled Prophet Muhammad's birthday procession, it is shameful.

I believe the procession will be a peaceful one in view of the fact that it is such an auspicious day. I simply cannot agree to its cancellation of the said procession. There is no reason to do so.

Babi Sondol: The yearly (outside) processions which have been held even before Merdeka and set for Feb 26 has this year been cancelled and has to be held indoors. Know your facts , readers, before you descend into verbal diarrhea.

Habib RAK: Why would anyone want to stop the Maulud Nabi procession? Is ex-premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi trying to stir something out of nothing? This is pure nonsense. Shame on you, Pak Lah, to lend credit to idiots who are trying to stir up trouble.

Daniel Tan: Another ploy by Umno to rile up Muslims against Lim Guan Eng. I wonder how low these Umno goons will go to create more racial and religious tensions. I trust the Muslim public will see through this. LGE has nothing to gain from cancelling the procession.

A Disgusted Malaysian: Umno ‘samseng' and liars are so bankrupt of ideas as how to win back the hearts of the electorate except to tell lies, hoping to incite the Malays to rise up in arms.


Shame on you Najib, Hishammuddin, Muyhiddin Yassin. May 13, 1969 happened 41 years ago. Malaysians are smarter now and don't fall easily to brainless tribal war-mongering! Shame on Abdullah Ahmad Badawi too!

Arul Inthirarajah: It looks like Utusan Malaysia has been given a carte blanche to print lie after lie after lie in order to stoke racial tensions.

What happened to the kris wielding Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein? If he allows this to happen, we can only assume that he is party to it.

Abc123: LGE, please immediately sue Utusan for RM100 million. That is more effective than issuing denials.

'Malays marginalised': Pakatan seeks to debate Umno and Co

Doc: I really hope Umno's got the guts to take up on Pakatan's offer for the debate. It should be aired live on the local TV networks and Astro. I also hope that Umno will field either the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin or Home Minister Hishammuddin ‘Keris' Hussein.

It would be fantastic to see those jokers preform on national TV, unrehearsed and without prepared questions. Umno is all talk and have noting to substantiate their claims. They'll probably go nowhere near a debate like this.

Freemsia: I bet my bottom ringgit that Umno will not dare to take up the challenge. Why? Because the reality of the situation is that Umno is simply trying to stir up racial disharmony and win back the support of the Malay voters and throw out 1Malaysia out the window yet again.

Pgkia: DAP, as I've mentioned before, please do not marginalise the Chinese in your quest to project yourself as being fair to all races. Don't play the race card like the BN has done. Just be yourself, struggle for a Malaysia for all Malaysians.

If you start marginalising the Chinese just to show how fair you are to all races, be prepared for the swing of votes in the next general election. Remember who your hardcore supporters are. Just a friendly reminder from me, one of your self-proclaimed hardcore DAP supporters.

Soapbox: DAP subscribes to the Pakatan philosophy. Take the middle road, and show that we practice a truly 1Malaysia. DAP is a multiracial party. It's not Chinese party. The Chinese have their place in Penang just as much as the Malays and Indians

The next time any government department requires you to name your race in any form, just state that you are bangsa Malaysia, and then demand to be served!

Selvaraja: Let the kataks (frogs) all jump ship. They put their personal interest before the people's interest.

'Pantyless Valentine's' raises ire of Muslim NGOs

Long arm: What are they going to do? Guard every government office and university and check on who is not wearing panties. With a baju kurung, who needs panties?

Me: Please read the groups' statements in full before jumping to conclusions. This campaign is not aimed at stopping anybody from going without panties. This campaign is to prevent rapes, fornication, abortions, etc. The media is always out to sensationalise things. Even if there were no ‘pantyless' campaign, the campaign against extra-marital sex would go on. It was planned much earlier.

Gang rapes, fornication, peer pressure, abortions, suicide. These problems are on the rise. Let it be? No. ‘ Ops Sayangi Remaja ' is not just for Valentine's Day.

What's wrong with giving advice? Isn't this a democracy? If you don't want to hear the advice, then plug your ears. This is not about enforcement but about ‘dakwah' (calling to goodness).

Bachan Singh: The easiest way is to follow the examples of Madonna and Michael Jackson: wear your underwear on the outside. Then there would be no need to check.

Nicholas Lim: Can I be a volunteer to check?

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