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Sodomy II: 'Our moment of shame'
Published:  Feb 4, 2010 8:09 AM
Updated: 3:40 AM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘I am shocked and sick to see our gutter politicians allow this dirt to unfold in front of the whole world. Shame, shame. May Allah have mercy on them and our beloved country.’

Saiful tells of Anwar's 'sexual advances'

Akar: As a God-fearing Muslim, I am shocked and sick to see our gutter politicians allow this dirt to unfold in front of the whole world. Shame, shame. May Allah have mercy on those conniving and dirty politicians and our beloved country.

Professor: If charged in a Syariah Court, this guy would surely get it: one, for admitting that he engaged in a sexual act; if it were not true, for lying and committing ‘fitnah’ or false slander against Anwar Ibrahim.

Either way, Saiful Bukhari Azlan and his masters should repent to God and ask forgiveness from Anwar. And from us Malaysians for wasting our time with such stupidity.


Saiful claimed to be ‘afraid and unwilling’ but yet he complied, washed up and entered a bedroom in a towel. It seems that he was rather unafraid and only too willing to please. We should really look forward to seeing how the defence counsel will tear him to shreds tomorrow.

Arul Inthirarajah:

It appears that the playwrights of this farce have been spending a lot of their time watching movies to get ideas for the plot. It comes across as too shallow, too thin, and too fake.

Zul Noordin: I'd quit PKR today


Zulkifli Noordin, if you truly have honour, don't just leave PKR. Resign from your seat which you won on a PKR ticket. Don't just talk about virtue and piety. Anybody can pay lip service to being holy and pious.

If you truly have honour, resign and get a fresh mandate. It is immoral to win votes on a false pretence and then do a 180-degree turn without giving voters to the chance to reconsider the mandate they gave to you

Cala: Zulkifli is a square peg in the round hole of politics. It’s clear from the interview that Zulkifli is not ready to serve as a politician. He seems to be happier being drawn into Islamic development issues than serving his constituency and facings its problems.

As he has confessed, he is there because he is Anwar's lawyer. Now that the picture is clear, he has no role to play in PKR because this party is supposed to be a liberal, progressive and inclusive political party. As it is, he is a thorn in the flesh of PKR.

Befairtoall: Zulkifli, you were elected on a PKR ticket. Since PKR and Pakatan Rakyat's ideals are in conflict with your holier-than-thou principles, resign as an MP and pave the way for a by-election.

Baiyuensheng: I can respect his opinion. He seems like a good and principled guy, albeit a bit narrow-minded and misguided.

Nevertheless, his approach could have been more subtle and through the proper channels. There’s no excuse for attacking a fellow comrade in Pakatan and creating cracks therein. He has lost direction. It would be good if he leaves PKR voluntarily

Long Arm: Zulkifli, I have no doubt that you mean what you say and for that, I respect you and your choice.

However, I feel you have been misled on this issue. It has nothing to do with Islam. It has all to do with politics, and that, too, Umno politics. I honestly feel you have been misled. Having said that, I’ll also respect your right to your own opinion so far as it does not infringe on my constitutional rights. You will, like me, have to respect my constitutional rights, too.

Rumours aside, PKR 10 still loyal to party


Some people think that after having voted on March 8, 2008, they’ve done a great service to the nation by voting Pakatan Rakat and ‘teaching BN a lesson’. They fail to see that courageous politicians in Pakatan, some who have fought the battle and paid for it, have fought for decades and have done so much more for the nation than these voters.

Voters suddenly found themselves awokened, dragged themselves to the voting booths and plucked up enough courage to vote for the opposition.

Then they get all worked up just because of a few corrupted politicians. Relax, la. It’s not the end of the world.


Baits have been everywhere left by BN and. If PKR representatives were to jump just because of they are unhappy with someone, they must be the most foolish people.

Look at the three ‘frogs’ (DAP’s Hee Yit Foong and PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Osman Jailu). They have ended their political career for good by having betrayed the people of Perak.

By handling back BN their two-thirds majority, who are they trying to punish? The persons they are unhappy with? Or the people who voted for them?

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