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The Holocaust: 'Dr M has lost the plot'
Published:  Jan 21, 2010 7:19 AM
Updated: 11:52 PM

your say 'I remember in 1969 when news came to us that the Americans had landed on the moon, my grandmother said that it couldn't be true and insisted that it was all staged.'

Dr M: If they can make Avatar, they can make 9/11

Alfred Adaikalaraj: Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you are very wrong and very well out of line here. Your support for the Holocaust, which is one of the worst acts of genocide of Jews, is totally nonsensical, heartless and inhumane. As a former prime minister, your opinion will be seen as the opinion of the majority of Malaysians.

It's good that you are keeping up with the latest movies. But next time, just watch some old westerns and see how the cowboy rides off gracefully into the sunset at the end - it's something you can learn from and live by.

TKC: I'm going to send James Cameron a script for a horror movie. The title of the movie is ‘Malaysia - Past, Present and Future Prime Ministers'.

It will feature Dr Mahathir, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (starring Mahathir), Najib Abdul Razak (starring Mahathir), Muhyiddin Yasin (starring Mahathir), Hishammuddin Hussein (starring Mahathir) and Mukhriz Mahathir (starring Mahathir, Jr).

Scary, isn't it? Yes, unless we change the script in the next election.

Kleo: Though the Americans and Jews will be seething in anger in reaction to Mahathir's comment, it's al-Qaeda who will be plotting his death for taking away the responsibility for the 9/11 attacks from them.

Abacus: Dr M is entitled to his opinion. I remember in 1969 when news came to us that the Americans had landed on the moon, my grandmother said that it couldn't be true and insisted that it was all staged by the Americans.

As a young lad, I just smiled, not wanting to upset the old lady by disputing her views. She was lively, but senile. I love her, just as I love Dr M. Let us just humour him and leave him alone.

Koay Chee Hoe: Not only is he a racist, he is also total moron whose perspective of history and reality is shaped by a Hollywood movie. For God's sake, he should shut up. He is a major embarrassment to this nation.

Arun Paul: Don't be too quick to condemn Dr Mahathir. Many of us only get our news from questionable foreign/local media which are efficient spin-doctors.

Ask yourselves: Would you trust George W Bush Jr, Benjamin Netanyahu, Wen Jiabao or Najib Abdul Razak? They all have skeletons in their closets, are masters of illusions and pay public relations companies to mess up our minds.

Louis: As an old man who is going to meet his creator soon, he should be more merciful in his words. The way he speaks about the Holocaust, he is no better than Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Baiyuensheng: I am no fan of Israel. I despised them for what they have done to the Palestinians. They are war-mongerers with no humanity. They commit war crimes and get away with it. But I think Dr M, here, has lost it.

Chen Siew Fong: It is very sad to see Dr M fall from the revered figure for all peace-loving Malaysians to the petty creature so hungry for publicity that he is now. I hope that these are the words of a senile old man, not the outburst of a person who truly believes in what he said. I am losing the last shreds of respect that I had left for him.

Richard Chang: The Tiananmen Square massacre was also staged by the Western media, according to the Chinese government. What's astounding is that this racist actually sounds like he believes what he's saying about 9/11.

Darren: Dear members of the General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds (GCSQ), please forgive our former PM Dr M for talking nonsense. Maybe the next time around, call someone who can talk more positively. You should have called Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is respected all around the world for his intelligence.

Kopi O: At his advanced age, he can't differentiate between reality and fiction. Even in his retirement, Dr M has put Malaysia on the world stage again to be laughed at.

Kgan: Dr M reveals his racist anti-Semitic nature. His racist nature also led him to divide Malaysia along racial lines. Malaysia survived in spite of him. Like George Soros said, Dr M is a menace to his own country.

SusahKes: May Allah have mercy on you for belittling the memory of those who died in both the Holocaust and 9/11.

Ranjit Singh: Dr M, you created your very own Palestine in Malaysia with the Indians. I've always wondered what the Indians had done to you for you to hate them so much to marginalise them and eradicate them from the mainstream development of the nation.

Al: Dr M, Avatar was made by the Kiwis , not the Yanks. So, I think if there was to be a staged event, it would have been Sir Edmund Hillary's conquest of Everest.

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