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Bala interview: 'Why the deafening silence?'
Published:  Nov 22, 2009 8:02 AM
Updated: Nov 23, 2009 12:05 AM

your say 'Let me assure you that Bala has already undergone rigorous 'cross examination' by three senior lawyers, including myself, before these interviews were held.'

'If what Bala says is true, God help us'

Americk Sidhu: Let me assure you that P Balasubramaniam has already undergone rigorous 'cross examination' by three senior lawyers, including myself, before these interviews were held. We are all more than satisfied that what he is saying is the truth.

His motive has nothing to do with financial gain for obvious reasons. His financial lifeline has now been severed. There can therefore be no issue of blackmail. If what he has said is untrue, then the silence of those he has accused remains deafening.

Love 1Malaysia: Let's look at this revelation from a purely observer's viewpoint. PI Bala's reaffirmation that his first statutory declaration is true is a very, very serious matter. If it is true then this is a disgrace to our prime minister and Malaysia as the whole world is watching.

Our PM should take it upon himself to set the record straight instead of keeping quiet. The ordinary man on the street cannot understand and will only think that if no action is taken, then what PI Baba said is true.

SusahKes: I don't mean to pour cold water, but Najib Razak and Rosmah would probably reply to many of us: "So what? Our ratings are still high la . In fact, we think we can regain control of two-thirds in Parliament. You want to challenge that?"

Wrath: I don't understand the fuss over this PI Bala issue. Particularly, I find IGP's statement that he did not know that Bala was in the country unbelievable, especially since the cops want him.

If Najib has any sense he will instruct the police to commence a full-scale independent investigation and haul up all the characters mentioned by Bala and get to the bottom of this and reveal the truth to the nation.

How come Najib is so concerned with MCA's dogfight but not the truth about Bala. Bala is challenging you, Najib, and the institutions of law enforcement. Are you going to take up his challenge?

Rocky: Sorry but the cops, MACC, etc, are not interested in the law and what is right or wrong. They are only keen in keeping their political masters in office and seek benefits that will enrich them.

Watcher: I believe Bala as his story makes perfect sense, and it will be to his financial advantage if he keeps quiet and continue to collect money. By coming out with truth, he has put himself and his family in grave danger. He is courageous, and I hope it will be an inspiration to those who know the truth but are keeping quiet so as not to upset their rice bowl.

See how the murderous dictator Mugabe still manages to cling on to power despite widespread opposition to his evil regime. He is supported by the police and military, who are obviously doing his bidding to protect their own rice bowl. I hope Malaysia will not end up like Zimbabwe.

Azmil Tayeb: The five-part Bala interview is to me authentic. No doubt about it. Respectable lawyers have gone through him. Names, time and places have been mentioned. Now the case has to be opened and tried in court. Bala has to be protected as a witness. Those mentioned in the interview must come out to say something.

Charles Chia: What PI Bala has revealed in his numerous interviews - whether true or false - is absolutely frightening and serious. Now, let’s wait and see what the relevant authorities, the PM and his wife are going to do about it. The public and the world is watching.

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