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'Anwar was your right choice too, Dr M'
Published:  Nov 17, 2009 7:54 AM
Updated: 11:56 PM

vox populi small thumbnail 'It was you, Dr Mahathir, who made Anwar Ibrahim the finance minister in your cabinet and he was sacked for reasons other than failing as finance minister if my memory serves me correctly.'

Dr M: Anwar right choice to bankrupt S'gor

Kanesin SVS Sappania Pillay: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, it was you who made Anwar Ibrahim the finance minister in your cabinet and he was sacked for reasons other than failing as finance minister if my memory serves me correctly. I am sure he would have learnt from his ‘failure'.

Ed: Hmm, and yet he was the right choice for finance minister under your administration. I guess Mahathir always had the tendency to surround himself and his cabinet with people who ‘didn't know anything' in relation to the offices they held.

SusahKes : Well, let's see Dr Mahathir. You were responsible for:

1) Awarding privatisation contracts at hugely inflated prices

2) Bailing out MAS by paying higher than market value for its shares

3) Using Petronas to bail out your son

4) The loss-making Paya Indah Wetlands/Sepang projects

5) The loss-making Putrajaya development

6) The loss-making Cyberjaya/MCS development

7) The huge Bank Negara forex trading losses (which you conveniently called 'paper losses')

8) Bailing out Proton and passing the mess back to the taxpayers

I've only just mentioned the financial side. What about the ‘raid' you made on the judiciary? What about the use of ISA/OSA? What about corruption?

Do you know how much of potential FDI we lost over the years because of the non-financial aspects of your dictatorship? Aiyo, Dr M, don't ‘pusing-pusing' la...

Victor Johan: Mahathir, when journalists seek your opinion, it does not mean that you should think they and the rakyat are stupid. Your reply only reflects who you are.

In my opinion, your statement certainly reflects your mental state - you're uncomfortable with the progress that Anwar and other like-minded Pakatan Rakyat representatives are making in providing the rakyat with an alternative government come the 13 th general election.

Their success will certainly be your demise and those of the other BN reps - all the cans of worms and skeletons in the closets will be revealed. We need facts, not gutter-level political replies. You were prime minister and finance minister once, remember?

Man charged with killing mom found dead in prison

Zubir: For this incident, I choose to believe that he committed suicide rather than fell victim to foul play. He must have regretted everything that had happened to him and his family.

And for the first time, I disagree with Hindraf's stance. Hindraf is already becoming like Umno, MIC and the MCA - too racial. Racialism is very uncalled for in today's Malaysia.

Rick: Hindraf is the voice of the voiceless. The true racists are the police and their Umno masters. When the poor are oppressed, Hindraf will be there. There are a lot of people living in denial. The inspector-general of police and his entire racist police force should resign honourably or be sacked.

Ong Guan Sin: A pillow cover so strong as to support a person's weight? And please note that his body must have struggled during the suicide. A pillow case supplied, if ever, in a prison cell cannot be of such quality. This is a no-brainer.

Perak bridge tragedy: Frayed tempers at 'inquiry'

Fair play: How about a ‘white knight' lawyer acting on behalf of the parents on a ‘pro bono' basis to sue the media for saying the bridge collapsed due to the children jumping on it?

I am sure all the students can testify otherwise. We need to nail the mainstream media if their coverage of the event was unjustly slanted. Any takers?

Argonist: Yes, the biased and prejudiced mass media should be taken to task from now on and be made accountable for their baseless, foul and insipid reporting.

The news media should be dragged to court for every false report they make because we are not living in a country devoid of laws yet. Please do set up a panel of legal eagles to teach the media a lesson.

Nil: The authorities should investigate why the bridge collapsed. Do not blame the Education Department, do not blame the teachers and do not blame the students. If constructed and maintained properly, the bridge should not have collapsed.

So who is responsible? The town council engineer? The contractor? The Public Works Department? The maintenance contractor? The designer? Who okayed the construction? Who

issued the certificate of fitness. All this seems to have been overlooked.

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