'MCA totally irrelevant to the Chinese'
Published:  Oct 10, 2009 7:39 AM
Updated: Oct 10, 2009 6:50 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'MCA should just dissolve itself and all its present and past corrupt leaders publicly apologise to the Chinese Malaysians for all the harm they have brought upon them. Their political influence today is nada.'

MCA EGM: The guillotine is ready to fall

Wilkee: After 60 plus years, the MCA has become totally irrelevant to the Chinese in Malaysia; equally irrelevant is today's EGM.

MCA should just dissolve itself and all its present and past corrupt leaders publicly apologise to the Chinese Malaysians for all the harm they have brought upon them.


Their political influence today is nada; they are fighting amongst themselves to continue to enrich themselves at the great expense of the ordinary Chinese Malaysians.

Brij Jayaram Kathiravelu : No comments from me on MCA's EGM, which has enjoyed enough coverage and analysis in all print media and online webpages.

But everyone tends to forget that it's the central party delegates who are the ones going to make decisions on behalf of the whole party by marking 'yea' or 'nay' on the five resolutions on the ballot paper.

The history and survival of MCA could be changed forever or the drama continues on. Whatever the outcome, I'm 100 percent sure that the repercussions will felt in the Bagan Pinang by-election tomorrow as an immediate reaction from the Chinese voters.

We will be able to gauge MCA's public perception amongst the Chinese and Malaysians generally in the short-term reaction and BN's 'road to recovery' after March 8, 2008 as a long-term reaction.

Lee Mun-Kit: Is this the party that the Chinese want to represent their interests? With such crooks so busy looking out for their own interests, they do not care for the Chinese.

Even if they have any slight conscience to worry about us, they do not have the time being so busy trying to cut up the pie for themselves.

There is only one thing all Chinese Malaysians can do - withdraw whatever little support you have for this bunch of people.

Umno logging scam: Pahang MB need not pay RM63 mil

What's this?: At the end of the day, it is the taxpayers' money. The corrupt Umno government is just too greedy and dirty.

Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob also has the denial mentality - same as the rest of the Umno leaders.


Cheah Tien Eang: The lines between Umno and the state government have been blurred to the extent that one is acting on the other's behalf.

As the land now belongs to Umno, they should be taking charge and thus responsibility over this deal, and not leave the state government defenseless and courting bankruptcy.

This is another case of the people's money being used to cover up incompetency and possible corruption. The Pahang state government is on virtual collapse now with more than RM100 million in debt.

Although Adnan Yaakob may not need to pay up, he will have to step down and take responsibility for such a mismanagement.

Adnan Yaakob, please step down. Anything short of that only proves that the BN government is not serious in serving the people by keeping such incapable individuals in their fold.

'No instructions to Umno Youth to be aggressive'

Chee Hoe Siew: Umno also never asked the police or the MACC to be aggressive against the opposition, but the police just do it anyway because they know that it will please their master.

Wake up Muhyiddin Yassin, it is not about whether you instruct them or not, it is in your culture that your minions to act in such a way.

Take responsibility and discipline your people for once and show the rakyat the leadership that you can have.

Gk: 'No instructions to Umno Youth to be aggressive'. This sound robotic to me.

DPM, do you mean if you want the Umno Youth to be aggressive, to the extent of hurting others, you can?

If that is the case, Umno Youth are just robots to me, who have no thinking of their own.

Justgreat: For those of you who attacked the PAS youths, we do not condone your actions but instead have this to say to you and your sponsor to spread violence the Umno way:

You are all very ‘kurang ajar', ‘kurang di ajar' and ‘biadap'. This is also the way we would think of your parents. When Umno uses violence, no one cares. The police do not care at all.

If it is true that it happened in front of a police station and they did nothing to prevent it, isn't it clear enough as daylight that the police are also behind it?

This is what Malaysia is becoming - a police state where the string are pulled by Umno/BN crooks.

Guan Eng, Nik Aziz charm Chinese voters

True Feeling: Tok Guru is a true Muslim friends of the Chinese and for once he make us feel the warmness of a Muslim true believer. I am glad we got people like him around and he is a great leader.

By being liberal, he brought up few great politician like Mohd Nizar Jamaludin of Perak, Husam Musa of Kelantan and Khalid Samad of Selangor.

With more liberal and honest PAS leaders , the Chinese will support them. Keep it going, PAS is heading the right direction with Tok Guru.

Cheeyin: It's really rare to see these two hardcore opposition leaders debating and giving ceramah on the same podium.

It doesn't matter if this is a show, what matters is that they at least willing to put up this show for each other.

Azni Abdullah: In Penang, you all fight like hell, condemning each other but in Bagan Pinang you ‘sleep together'.

Guan Eng, where are your principles? Your Jelutong MP, Jeff Ooi is 100 times better than you, so is Karpal Singh. Please learn and have the courage of Jeff Ooi. Never bow down to PAS.

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