'Only Umno annoyed by videos'
Published:  Sep 9, 2009 6:11 AM
Updated: Sep 9, 2009 2:08 AM

vox populi small thumbnail ‘Instead of going for those who committed the crime, the MCMC goes for the messenger. Yes, they shot the messenger for the message they brought.'

Malaysiakini videos: 12 questioned by MCMC

Guarsena : Instead of going for those who committed the crime, the MCMC goes for the messenger. Yes, they shot the messenger for the message they brought. Who is "annoyed" by the videos? Umno? Then why did Umno instigate those goons to do what they did? If they cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!


Sarajun Hoda : It is not fair to vilify Malaysiakini for doing their job. BN should severely punish the culprits who are responsible in shaming not only Prime Minister Najib Razak's 1Malaysia policy but Islam itself which is all for tolerance.

Tan Teng Wah : If those who participated in that despicable rally are so fearless and their act also condoned by the home minister, why should MCMC bother to ask the videos to be taken down? Is the government now beginning to feel guilty and shameful? Penalise those responsible and don't bark up the wrong tree.

Lusiapa : It is absolutely clear that the MCMC is now in the company of the police, Election Commission, MACC, the AG's Chambers and the judiciary as stooges of the racist Umno. Kerismuddin's initial reaction and the words he uttered in defence of the unruly mob are well-documented and disseminated to all corners of the globe.


Everybody knows the stupidity and absurdity of the minister's argument. Why now the desperate attempt to undo an un-rightable wrong? Why ask the MCMC to go to this extent to wipe off the truth as reflected by these so-called offensive videos when a simple "I am sorry, I was wrong" statement by the minister would have been the honourable thing to do?

Isn't this a clear-cut act of harassment by the MCMC? Malaysiakini must stand firm and tell the MCMC off.

Wong Yen Kit : This country needs a good makeover once Pakatan Rakyat comes to power. There is too much executive interference in all the agencies that you can think of. We need more qualified and professional personnel to head all the agencies. Let's start with the police force, MACC, EC, MCMC and others. Let's see a better Malaysia for all.

'Cow-head' protesters to be charged tomorrow

Lim Chong Leong : That's the problem. They were not arrested at the scene of the crime, they instead got invited to Kerismoodin's office. After all the flip-flop, now the criminals cannot be found.

P Uthayakumar and gang were arrested on the spot. Lawyers who went to represent candlelight vigil detainees were arrested on the spot too. Question to the police is: why were they not arrested on the spot or when they went to see Kerismoodin?


Ong Guan Sin : Let me guess. They will be charged, and the case will be (almost) forgotten for the next three years or so, and then 'reappear', ending with acquittal. Kasitah Gaddam is very familiar with this. And another predictable outcome: the prosecution will not appeal the acquittal, to be consistent with Abdul Razak Baginda's case.

Lin Wen Quan : 'Abdul Majid Hamzah said the protesters were not charged today as they could not be located.' It means two things: one, the police are not trying hard and two, the perpetrators got wind of the matter and went into hiding. Let's wait and see the drama unfold and what other excuses will be forthcoming when a no-show happens. The whole world is watching.

1qw: Let me guess - there will be a gathering supporting these heroes. I can see these guys will probably smiling ear to ear while the charges being read. And probably there will be a group holding kenduri.

Wira : I disagree that they should be charged for illegal assembly because the right to assembly without arms is a constitutionally guaranteed right. Only those who blatantly insulted a sacred religious symbol of the Indians and threatened bloodshed should be charged under the Sedition Act/Penal Code for their offences respectively.

'Charge those who threatened Rodziah'

Doc : A Pakatan representative has been threatened with rape in public. So what are the police waiting for?

Melayuhk : Thanks for posting the video on Youtube . The long-haired samseng is obviously trying to catch the eyes of the Umno supremos for a high position. After all, he knows that he is protected from the power.

R2D2 : In times of massive change and upheaval, those who have been deliberately kept in the dark under an ethnocentric tempurung will understandably be frightened. When frightened, many react with hostility and violence.

We have to give them a bit of time to calm down and when heads are cooler, they may be much more receptive to the fact that nobody is trying to hurt them. In fact, a change of government - from infinitely corrupt and elitist to accountable and socially compassionate - will benefit everybody.

Ultimately, even the most benighted and bigoted members of society have potential value as human beings... once they are given the chance to wake up from their cultural trance!

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