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'Utusan - the true face of 1Malaysia'
Published:  Aug 5, 2009 8:06 AM
Updated: 5:45 AM

vox populi small thumbnail ‘One merely needs to look at Umno’s mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia to see what PM Najib means by 1Malaysia.’

On 'Malays, don't be cowards': Utusan strikes again


Umno’s propaganda machine Utusan Malaysia reveals what is truly behind the government’s policy of 1Malaysia. I hope Malaysians will not be duped by the government’s latest slogan in the hope of garnering support for the fledgling political party that is fading into oblivion. One merely needs to look at Utusan , Umno’s mouthpiece, to see what PM Najib means by 1Malaysia.

In recent days, Utusan has run headlines like ‘Anwar Pengkhianat’ (Anwar the traitor) and articles stating that “The Chinese, Indians and PAS are fighting for power, not democracy and justice.” 1Malaysia only benefits the government not the rakyat.

RJ Manecksha: Utusan Malaysia displays a determined effort to drive a wedge between Malays and the rest of the community. Gutter politics and crass racism are its trademark. The writers of such trash are not journalists. They are propagandists. The writer must realise that in the event of a race conflict, lives are at stake.

On S'gor PAS: Ban alcohol in Muslim areas

P Dev Anand Pillai:

Why can't the PAS leadership just say that the Malays should know for themselves that their religion does not allow for the consumption of alcohol therefore they should not consume it.

What happens to all those who consume it in Bangsar, Sri Hartamas, Bukit Bintang, the five-star hotels and all the prestigious golf clubs around the country? Will they be policed too? If they are then it is fair, if not then it is class discrimination. The rich, powerful and connected are allowed to get away with it but the poor are whipped for it.


I would like to remind PAS Selangor that trying to control the sale of alcohol among Muslims will have little effect on those who wish to consume it. Just check on the sale of cigarettes today. Even with the ugly pictures pasted on the cigarette boxes, sales have not reduced smoking. The best and only way is to educate Muslims who drink.

Also remember that in trying to control the few drinking Muslims, try not to cause more problems to non-Muslims. Please take care in defining Muslim-majority areas. Selangor’s urban areas are one of the most densely populated areas in Malaysia. Having a small Muslim majority will be an inconvenience to a lot of non-Muslims.


The non-Muslims in urban areas have never been comfortable with PAS' stance of Islamisation.

What do they mean by Muslim-majority areas? Most of the states in Peninsular Malaysia are Muslim-majority areas with Malays (being Muslims) making up of almost 60 percent of the population. Does it mean that any shop, supermarket, eatery, in any state, district, town or ‘mukim’ with more than 50 percent Muslims will be prohibited from selling alcohol?

If alcohol is forbidden to be sold to Muslims, then penalise those outlets caught for selling alcohol to Muslims, and not to impose a blanket ban on the sale of alcohol. If an area or locality is a 80 percent Muslim locality like many PAS-held areas, it is understandable. However, in areas where there is a substantial number of non-Muslims, they have no right to impose their will on others.

If they do so, then most of the non-Muslims will just sell their properties and move out to other areas where they will be more comfortable in practising their lifestyle. Just imagine what that will do for racial integration. The country will be divided into Muslim and non-Muslim areas, which does not bode well for a united nation.

Come on PAS, face it - Malaysia has a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-faith and multi-cultural population. If you want to remain in Pakatan Rakyat and get the support of the non-Muslims, you should be more sensible to show your piety and righteousness in the right way by being truthful, considerate and people-centric. If you insist on doing otherwise, then Pakatan Rakyat can do without you.

Dennis Madden: When will these men from PAS learn that nothing is ever achieved by banning. But these control freaks insist that it’s their right to decide what everyone should do in their private lives.

I'd like to ask two questions:

1. How are you going to decide what constitutes a Malay area? Will it be 5 percent Malays..., 10 percent..., 20 percent...?

2. Have you never heard of the motorcar? You know those things with four wheels and a Proton logo on it. They can be used to drive from a ‘prohibitionist’ Malay area to a ‘decadent’ non-Malay area where you can buy all the alcohol you like.

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