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VoxPop: Pakatan needs some soul searching
Published:  Jul 15, 2009 3:00 PM
Updated: 11:34 AM

It is about time that the Pakatan politicians stop gloating on their ‘unexpected’ success in the 2008 general elections and start charting a clear path ahead.

On Manek Urai: PAS wins by 65 votes

Yuvan: I am not surprised that PAS won by such a narrow margin. If not for the high voter turnout of about 87%, PAS would have lost the seat. In fact, I presumed that PAS, in all probability, would lose the seat in this by-election.

My presumption was based on two recent and major developments which resulted in PAS losing quite a lot of support. The first is the proposed ‘unity talks’ with Umno. I believe a big portion of PAS grassroots are not in favour of it and these grassroots have greatly influenced the electorate in Manek Urai to vote against PAS.

The second is that a sizeable number of PAS supporters who are fed up and angry about all the in-fighting and personality clashes that has been happening over the past few months within the Pakatan Rakyat would have taken this by-election opportunity to express their frustration and have influenced the voters to go against PAS.

It is time now for Pakatan to ‘wake up’ and start doing a lot of ‘soul searching’ if it really wants to remain relevant and play a meaningful role in Malaysian politics. It is about time that the Pakatan politicians stop gloating on their ‘unexpected’ success in the 2008 general elections and start charting a clear path ahead with genuine interest in the welfare of the people and progress of the nation.

A number of Pakatan politicians, especially in PKR, are still bickering about wanting party and government positions and have not come up with any solid or comprehensive plans and programmes to uplift the welfare of the rakyat. They are only fighting ‘bush fires’ most of the time and have absolutely no idea about how they have to ‘serve’ the people who elected them!

If Pakatan wants to be ‘short-sighted’ and continues to misjudge the sentiment of the people, they will be ‘kicked out’ from the mainstream of the country’s political scene sooner than they realise.

On Pakatan fast losing momentum

Malaysian for Change: Khoo Khay Peng has a misplaced sense of what the Pakatan state governments are able to do and what they cannot due to federal laws and federal control. Other than land matters, the autonomy of state governments is extremely limited. Even holding local elections is not possible unless federal laws are amended.

As for the Pakatan governments working collectively to push for more resources and autonomy from the federal government this is delusional at best. The federal government is downright hostile towards Pakatan and even deny them federal funds which are theirs by right.

Pointing to the defections in Perak as symptoms of a deeper malaise is unfair. I would agree with this observation only if corruption and blackmail were not factors in their defections.

One must remember that the opposition parties only came together after the conclusion of the general election and mechanisms of policy making and dealing with disagreements take time to be established and tested. Until then, some forbearance on the part of the public and political columnists is necessary.

Rather than being quick to cast off Pakatan, one must ask, "What is the alternative?" BN has shown no propensity to change and the little that is thrown to the people has been the result of competition from Pakatan. We should continue to support Pakatan unless we are contend to live with another 50 years of BN's nation-destroying plunder and racial politics.

On Najib's star shines amid near eclipse for PAS

Ong: When a professor emeritus makes such an extremely cynical sweeping statement like "they have done nothing to look after the people", I have to doubt his (Khoo Kay Kim) credentials as an academic and professor, his capability to a reasonable discussion and debate and also his suitability as a Suhakam (human rights) commissioner.

Even the BN does not claim that Pakatan have done nothing. They only claim that Pakatan have done very little. Other Pakatan detractors claim that Pakatan has not done enough. Therefore it is unbelievable that a supposedly preeminent academic and professor emeritus can make such an extremely cynical sweeping statement.

On Kg Buah Pala: A road user's view

Maniam: It was illuminating to read letters from a Penangites stating that the ‘High Chapparal’ residents cause a nuisance with their freely roaming cows and that they act as a ‘gang’ in the area whenever there are traffic incidents.

Based on what we’ve heard so far, the letters probably speak the truth as the village has not had any serious progress but continues to be a ‘chapparal’ for ever dwindling numbers.

Should the residents succeed in keeping their land, as it appears they should, I do hope the authorities will make it a condition that the place be upgraded from the slum it has obviously become. Or else, compensate and resettle them elsewhere.

While on the topic, the Koperasi’s confrontational attitude must be seen to be regrettable.

Naragan: Guan Eng is calling for a ‘heart-to-heart’ talk with the Kampung Buah Pala villagers using this unsigned note of invitation. What is happening?

Is there any sincerity in all of this or is it just another ploy to cheat the simple people of Kampung Buah Pala..

This is totally unbecoming of a chief minister, let alone a Pakatan chief minister. Guan Eng is no different that the Umno/BN types.

On top of that see what Tan Kok Ping a leading developer in Penang is saying in his press statement - everything that Guan Eng has been saying including the ‘lie’ about the RM200,000 offer. Is Guan Eng in cahoots with the developer community? Guan Eng's game is clear, he is no friend of the people, he is a friend of the developers and all the other moneybags in Penang. He only needs the votes - then it is bye-bye like all the other politicians - no difference.

This is getting to be truly exasperating.

On TV host 'reassigned' over Najib scorecard

Doraisamy Karuppiah: So, how should we grade our beloved prime minister? Only with A, A+ or AA++? The leader who cannot accept criticism is not suitable to administer a country. How can we always say good, brilliant and excellent.

Maybe, this is his definition for 1Malaysia. A person who cannot accept defeat will soon change to villain if Pakatan Rakyat is in verge of taking the government. It’s a bad signal for the country.

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