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ISA release to cover Perak mess?
Published:  May 9, 2009 8:39 AM
Updated: 7:10 AM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘The release of ISA detainees is certainly welcomed but the reason for their release is under a cloud of suspicion. Is this mere eyewash to divert our attention?'

On Gov't to free Hindraf trio and 10 others

Lim Chong Leong:

The release of ISA detainees is certainly welcomed but the reason for their release is under a cloud of suspicion. Is this mere eyewash to divert our attention from the Perak assembly episode?

Is this government serious in abolishing the ISA? It certainly seems not since they are still trying to justify the need for ISA by announcing the detention of Mas Selamat.

On Hee denies 'robbing' speaker's powers

Ko-han Wai: I am really surprised how some people can sleep at night after the awful things they do. Look at the traitor Hee Yit Fong, hear her spout her venom (pepper spray included).

I mean who does she think she is? Asking the people to understand her, that she is only fulfilling her duties and not abusing her powers.

Only defending yourself? What? By spraying people with pepper spray? And she has the cheek to openly lie by saying that she only waved her key-chain at Yew Tian Hoe (DAP-Aulong).

The people are not as ignorant as you think. To end this, there is an old Chinese saying: ‘Beware of the final two years of your life'.

Peter Ooi: I got goose bumps reading Hee's side of the story. Yes, Hee you did not rob the speake's power but you seized it, to put it mildly.

You did not use pepper spray? The pictures tell no lies.

On Evicted speaker cries 'conspiracy!'

The Dark Knight: Instead of crying 'conspiracy' Mr. Evicted Speaker, why not cry ‘freedom!'

On Najib: Be truthful to win people's trust

TCP: Look who's talking? Look which crab is trying to teach another crab to walk straight?

If he has any grain of truth in him, he would not have allowed the Perak state assembly to turn into the farce that it had yesterday.

He is a hypocrite and has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.

On 200 lawyers protest against arrests

LP Koh: The IGP had put his priority on arresting Wong Chin Huat, who has called on Malaysians to wear black shirts.

Then the IGP arrested citizens who held candlelight vigils to support Wong, and worse still, arrested the lawyers who went to give legal aid to the arrested citizens.

We, the taxpayers, want to know what is the police's duty?

Let thieves roam and hurt the citizens, and spend all their resources to interfere in politics by arresting citizens who speak up? Who does the police catch - the citizen or the robber?

On Sivakumar dragged out, BN speaker takes over

Mr Ihsham:

Pakatan has lost the majority in the state so accept it and move on. It's a disgrace for not accepting defeat.

BN had lost Kelantan and Terengganu, yet they did not push or buy anyone.

The Commoner:

All this unnecessary embarrassment could have been avoided. Dissolve the assembly and let the ‘rakyat' in Perak decide. Police involvement in the forceful removal of House Speaker Sivakumar is disappointing.

It is sad to see how police human resources are wasted. With such a high number of personnel in place, the authority could have wiped out all the Mat Rempit over a weekend.

The Machaa Dude:

Never have I, for the worth of my salt, seen such a tragic comedy played out in front of my eyes; the PRDM did exactly just that.

They arrested the black-wearers of the day, and had the audacity to stop ordinary civilians from the time-honoured tradition of a morning ‘teh tarik'.

The irony was that the same cops were later seen having their tea breaks at these same restaurants nearby. As Malaysians, let us collectively pray for such hope to engulf this dying nation.

Milton Yap:

I would have thought that the BN would have learnt the lessons of March 2008 and try hard to earn back the hearts of the ‘rakyat'. From what happened in Perak yesterday, it is very clear they have not learned anything.

The ‘rakyat' just have to be patient and in 2013 vote even forcefully to rid BN. It is a national sorrow that the infrastructure which are supposed to work for the ‘rakyat' ie, the police, the sergeant-at-arms, the state secretary, and the courts are all acting without impartiality.

The Dark Knight:

What all Malaysians fail to understand is that Malaysians are no longer ruled by politicians, leaders, elected officials or even morons.

What Malaysians should understand today is that Malaysians are currently living under the dictatorship of a fascist regime.

Yih Feng Low:

Seeing how BN has abused the police force, the civil service, the judiciary, the election commission and the media to stay in power in Perak, one wonders if fresh elections will be fair.

The actions of BN in recent times have dealt a structural blow to the already shaky democratic foundation of Malaysia.

It seems that with each passing day, hopes of a free and democratic Malaysia grows much much dimmer.


Zambry had insulted the Perak royalty by convening the assembly before the Regent gave his address. Most importantly, he has successfully driven the final nail into BN's coffin.

From being a non-partisan citizen, my friends, relatives and I are so repulsed by what he did yesterday, that we will now start a relentless campaign to ensure BN's demise at the next election.

Well done, Zambry, you achieved hell of a lot in one day.

Ek: I think it is time to call a spade a spade. The events in Perak yesterday was nothing short of a coup d' etat by the police akin to the military coup in Thailand.

The similarities i.e. blockade and forcible evictions are evident. The top brass of the police force must be held accountable.

Shriram Venugopal:

It was reported that the police went on an arresting rampage to the extent of even carting off people who were having their breakfast at restaraunts.

Frankly, I stopped being surprised a very long time ago at just how low the police can go.

I urge the affected restaurant owners and operators to sue the police for disrupting your businesses, harassing your customers and trespassing on your property without a warrant.

I also urge the Bar Council to provide assistance to these restaurant operators in filing a civil suit.

Sue them hard! Its high time those who have clearly sold their souls to the devil be taught a lesson.

Ammi Yee:

Bottom line is, ya'll are not acting like seven-year olds, worse than little children and mindless and barbaric hooligans.

Thank you very much, dear elected leaders! I didnt know we elected a bunch of ill-mannered, unethical kids to lead the country.

On Defiant activist vows to 'black' on


I will like to follow the lead of Wong Chin Huat

I want to wear black everyday till democracy is returned to voters in Perak (and perhaps to all in Malaysia). However, I do not want to wear any ordinary black shirt.

I want to wear a '1BlackMalaysia' T-shirt or other black T-shirt with a similar theme.

I want to show the authorities that we are not intimadated or cowed by their arbitrary arrests and we want to support those who fight for truth, justice and democracy.

Please publish this message to encourage people to print and sell such T-shirts and let us know where to buy them.

On Doc: Sujatha was not pregnant

Ong: Dr Kiran Nair the specialist diagnosed Sujatha as not pregnant because according to her, "Usually doctors can feel the foetus if it is 12 weeks or three months old, but in her case the foetus was not palpable".

Today I learnt that if a female is pregnant with a foetus that is too small to be felt by a physician's examination, then this female is not pregnant.

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