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An 'overweight cabinet of cronies'
Published:  Apr 10, 2009 9:26 AM
Updated: 5:12 AM

your say ‘Is the new cabinet really slimmer and smaller or did Najib have to appoint so many as to please his BN and Umno supporters? Look at how the ministries overlap'.

On Najib names his new cabinet

Lim Chong Leong: Is the cabinet really slimmer and smaller or did Najib have to appoint so many as to please his BN and Umno supporters?

Look at how the ministries overlap and we see how some ministers are actually redundant.

It seems that the posts are created for the sake of political tai chi and to reward those who had shown support.

See the overlap of the education and higher education ministries, and between the agriculture development and agriculture ministries,

Also between the science, technology, innovation ministry and the green technologies, water and energy ministry and natural resource and environment ministry.

At the end of the day, it is still an overweight cabinet of cronies. How disappointing that nothing has changed.

Seekp: Now that the new cabinet is announced, it is fine time for PKR to come up with their own list of a shadow cabinet just to show that they are serious in governing the next federal government after the 13GE.

Dorai Dubai: Looks not impressive. In my view, this lineup could have been drafted by Mahathir and presented by Najib.

Why is KJ out and Mukriz in? It's a backlash for Pak Lah.

The famous keris man taking over Syed Hamid's portfolio is also a dangerous choice which the non-Malays would prefer. The worst thing, Zaid Hamidi is defence minister

This decision could further break Umno which eventually will spoil Najib's administration too.

The new PM is asking for trouble by following old-style Mahathir which will lead to his downfall, careful.

Michael: Most Malaysians do not bother about the formation of the new cabinet. What we were interested in is whether 'his son' is appointed and whether KJ is made a minister.

Sad to say, this was probably the only reason why we took a look at the line-up.

We are of the opinion that some of these leaders are not clean.

Most of them are not qualified or capable enough to lead a ministry. They occupy the posts for the sake of ‘occupying'.

Some of them failed to garner enough support during the general election and yet they are appointed to 'pacify' everybody.

Of course, there is also an appointment based on 'his father's' influence.

Certain controversial and arrogant ministers have been re-appointed even though they have a poor track record of serving the people.

Of course, we do think a few of those appointed had done a good job in the previous cabinet.

This old-newspaper cabinet is indeed a cake-sharing government and it is 'Malaysia cabinet, truly Malaysia'.


Just a cursory comparison: we had a new US president who promised change, just like our new PM.

The difference is that the new US president selected a cabinet which was entirely new. Our new PM named a cabinet which is essentially the same people, bar a few new faces.

Action speaks louder than words - I doubt the same people can implement the change that is needed.

On Khairy out, Mukhriz in

Anne Mathews: I think this looks very obvious. That there was a ploy not to accept KJ into the cabinet on the advice of so-called advisor Mahathir.

I do wonder who is the PM and whether he does need an advisor.

Now it is time for Khairy to do something aggressive because this is a terrible blow, not only to him but also to Pak Lah too.

As an Umno Youth chief who won an election, there is no position for him but those who lost in elections are in the cabinet. What kind of line-up is this?

Please Khairy, do something to teach them a lesson before its too late. I feel very sorry and pitiful for what they have done to you. Wake up!

Mr Saw: Good, Khairy being dropped shows that there's no market for any racists in the new team of ‘One Malaysia, One Dream'.

On Dr M: No deal with Najib on Mukhriz

Timmy Say: Dr M on Khairy: ‘If he is appointed, it would bring bad omen to BN as he has already been found guilty of corruption (by the party disciplinary board),' he said.

This is an outright double standard statement yet again by Tun Dr M.

If this is the judgment and punishment he wishes PM Najib to put on Khairy; then I would really want to hear his comment about the other one found guilty and still remains chief minister.

Dr M has never voiced up against this blatant unfairness. This just shows that his statement was not about the credibility of the incoming cabinet ministers but that it was just his hatred against Khairy more than anything else.

I have said it before many times - understanding the real reason of why you are not being able to reform, is the first step to reforming.

I strongly believe that gnoring TDM's statements from now on will be the most important step for Umno and BN to do some serious reforming.

Frankly Xroy: The former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohammed has come out again in his very unique style of getting people to do what he wants then denying he has had any influence.

He had not kept secret his desire of keeping Khairy Jamaluddin out of the cabinet to all and we all know that Najib would respect this desire.

And then, he will pick Mahathir's son as a cabinet member and it will be all alright for Mahathir.

To add to the venom, he was not ready for a deal in which both would be elected as deputy ministers. Mahathir keeps harping on the issue that Khairy had been found guilty by the Umno disciplinary board.

Umno has to tread with caution. With the likes of Mahathir dictating terms, he will undermine the leadership of Umno and this could very well lead to the demise of both Umno and MCA.

Najib's leadership will be judged on how capable he is of doing what is right, not for Umno or Mahathir but for the nation.

Najib is unlikely to ignore Mahathir for if he does so, it is to his peril.

His refusal to come clean in the Altantuya case is also to his own peril, it is this very issue that Mahathir will use against him to dictate to the cabinet and Umno what he wants done.

Scott South: As an American with extensive ties to Malaysia and a former resident of that country, I can't stand Mahathir, just as I couldn't stand George W Bush.

I had a bellyful of Bush a long time ago and quickly reached my limit with Mahathir when I arrived in Malaysia in 1986. Both are out of office, but with an important difference:

Mahathir never shuts up and never stops trying to run the country.

Thus, in the unlikely event that Mahathir were to call me for my advice, I'd tell him to take a leaf from Bush's book, for the latter has behaved admirably in his political demise.

He has shut the hell up, unlike Mahathir.

No, I would compare Mahathir more to the incorrigible and frankly evil-spirited Dick Cheney, who continues to excoriate our president and attempts to run the country, much as Mahathir does in parallel with your PM and your country.

On 'No need to go overboard with ISA release'

Maniam: Najib says he wont use ISA ‘arbitrarily'. Is he then also saying that was how it was used , at least on the 13 he released?

If so what did he do as DPM when these arbitrary actions were taken?

Ministers from TDM onwards have always said it was the Home Minister or IGP who decided on ISA detention.

Now the Home minister says it was Najib who decided on the release of the 13. Are the PM and DPM responsible or not? Don't dodge the issue; take responsibility.

And if Najib does indeed appoint election losers as senators and make them ministers, he will be showing contempt of the public and their opinion.

On Let it rain on Najib's parade

5 Fishes: I cannot agree more.

If you listen to Najib's acceptance speech, you could almost believe we now have a brave new saviour to lead the country to a bright new age.

Just remember the words of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD): ‘A candour affected is a dagger concealed'.

On Anwar: M'sians reject new PM

Rakyat Malaysia: Anwar, you first promised Sept 16. That did not come by. Then Saifuddin Nasution Ismail mentioned you will make a ‘big announcement'.

The news that PPP Kedah members are going to crossover already came out even before you announced it a day earlier.

Then during your speech at Bukit Selambau, you explicitly mentioned there will be a ‘big announcement' after the by-election. I already had a thought that PKR was bluffing.

On Tuesday, at your press conference, you mentioned that the PPP crossover was the ‘big announcement'. You had bluffed us.

Anwar, do you still rember Karpal Singh rebuking you over your Sept 16 crossover issue? You should always have high regard for your credibility.

Don't lose your credibility. Hope you have learnt something here.