Altantuya murder: 'Case is NOT closed'
Published:  Apr 10, 2009 9:21 AM
Updated: 10:40 AM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘What exactly is the motive for the killing? If there is no motive, then what drove these two police special action force personnel to commit such a heinous crime?'

On Death for Altantuya's murderers

Baiyuensheng: I am still confused about the case. My question is - what exactly is their motive for the killing? If there is no motive, then what drove them to commit such a heinous crime?

If the claims that they were instructed by some one are true, then probably that culprit behind should be brought to justice.


This case is NOT closed unless the ones who instructed them are also put on trail.

John Tan: For these two men, if they have admitted to the murder then justice is done in this instance.

But, as do many Malaysians, we all have a nagging feeling on what was their motivation to commit this crime?

You don't just blow up someone whom you had no prior encounter with unless there is a reason so all angles point to the theory that they were 'carrying out someone's instructions'.

The bizarre manner the investigations and the trial was conducted probably cemented this public opinion.

And now with this sentenced being meted out, it would be a miracle if we will ever get behind the truth.

On second thought, justice is hardly done here. The real 'criminals' have yet to be brought to justice.

Maximadman: If, hypothetically, solid evidence had indeed been adduced in court that pointed to both Azilah and Sirul as the murderers, I still cannot help feeling sorry for them as:

1. Their motives are unknown as it has been established that they did not know the victim personally;

2. Evidence such as the slippers in the Suzuki Vitara and personal belongings confiscated from the apartment seem to be too convenient;

3. Most importantly, the person with the most solid motif, Razak Baginda, was found not guilty and this was not appealed by the prosecution when it had been established that there is an association between him and the two accused;


4. And that until now, the motives of Balasubramaniam's statutory declarations have not been established.

I really feel sorry for both of them and especially their families and that their ordeal is prolonged.

I would have accepted a ‘not guilty' verdict for the simple reason that based on various testimonies, the police had indeed bungled in their investigations.

Somebody should really help this two poor souls.


Based on the decision of the court to hang them (Sirul and Azilah), there are many doubts still unanswered up to now.

How are they (Sirul and Azilah) linked to Altantuya when they did not know her. What was on Altantuya's antagonism towards them?

How did Razak Baginda know these two policemen? Who instructed them to act? Are they the only actors and if yes who is the director of this ‘movie'?

Why did they cover their face all the time in court ? Sounds fishy. Let God punish those who were really involved in this murder on His judgment day.

CP Kee: In the history of crime, only serial killers and mad men committed motiveless crimes.

Malaysia is making criminology history by sending two men, both non-serial killers and both fully sane, to the gallows for a completely motiveless crime they are said to have committed.

International expert criminologists had better rush to Malaysia to find out what fantastic new discoveries we've made in criminology to come to this ‘superb' conclusion.

Are we far ahead in this science from the rest of the world? Or are we experts in ‘scapegoat-ology'?

Starting as PM by stretching credulity is hardly a promising way to get going, Mr PM, sir.

P Dev Anand Pillai: I have been wondering if our criminal courts are public courts where the public can get to view who the accused persons.

This does not seem to be the case in the recently concluded murder trial of the Mongolian international interpreter.

One wonders how the reporters could have seen the expression-less faces of the two accused when their faces are covered in a specially made masks which makes them look like mummies.

In most cases the accused will try to hide their faces with their shirts or any object they can get their hands on whilst the reporters try their best to get a good photograph of them.

But in this case, the masks seems so fitting and nice. Perhaps we could now start a business of making masks and wait at the criminal court lobbies for brisk sales!

Mohana Sundram: Sirul and Azilah are special forces personnel trained to obey their superiors without question. Part of that training is not to ask the reasons for carrying out a particular order - just to do it.

Refusing an order from a high ranking officer may also result in them being taken to task -a court martial even.

What they did was akin to a soldier carrying out his duty - so would you hang a soldier for carrying out an order to kill?

On Kugan's case: Unsettling questions remain

Lim Keat Hoe: The article helps to put the DG's of Health panel in perspective.

I will not try to be more knowledgeable on the cause of death than the members of the panel.

But the seizure of the toxicology samples from Dr Prashant stinks and will forever sear the mind of the discerning public that the police have something to hide.

As the writer pointed out. not addressing the cause of the various blunt trauma bruises and injuries found on Kugan do not mean those questions will go away.

Concerned Citizen: The Malaysian Medical Council's investigation committee currently does not have the jurisdiction to hear cases involving negligence by doctors because legislation does not provide for it.

In the case of A Kugan's postmortem reports, the MMC has no established procedures on conducting independent inquiries such as this.

The members of the panel formed to investigate the reports are unlikely to possess experience dealing with cases of this nature as it was an ad hoc panel. It had no terms of reference or precedents to rely on to perform its function.

This raises the question of how it was able to complete its investigations within a month, as MMC's investigation process normally takes several months to complete.

When public interest is involved, transparency and completeness is the order of the day. However, the findings of the panel have raised more questions than answers.

The MMC, being the sole body that issues annual practicing certificates to competent doctors, needs to be given the tools to ensure that it lives up to its motto to 'Safeguard patients, guide doctors'.

It is time the Health Ministry took a proactive approach to revamp the MMC. The ministry should move to amend current legislation, namely the Medical Act 1971 which outlines MMC's powers.

As a concerned citizen, I have written to the minister Liow Tiong Lai on this matter but did not receive a reply.

It is not only a question of protecting the rights of patients at large but also upholding the integrity of the medical profession.

On Gov't to revive caning in schools

An Educated Parent: What is wrong with our education system? We have this child abuse law yet canning has been restored recently by our education ministry.

Aren't we moving backwards instead of forward?

This canning is tantamount to encouraging child abuse which is contrary to the Child Abuse Act. Who gives the right for teachers to cane our children?

I remember my son was beaten by a teacher of an unsound mind resulting in me approaching the headmaster for a proper explanation and he apologising to me saying the teacher had some sort of mental problem.

So if caning is allowed, what will happen to teachers abusing children? Children would want to avoid school for fear of being beaten for minor mistakes.

I hope our education minister would seek parents' consensus before implementing any form of punishment. I am a highly-educated parent and am against any form of child abuse.

I for one will definitely seek legal action against any teacher who canes my child unless my child has committed serious offences such as fighting in school, drug abuse, etc.

I hope this letter will open the eyes of our education ministry so as not to implement any form of punishment without parents' consent.

On Public transport - put Shahrir in driver's seat

Marjorie Jane Louis: I agree that Shahrir is the kind of politician that Malaysia needs today and for the future - clean and honest.

However, I would like to point out that when Shahrir helmed the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry for a year, he was not successful in keeping down the cost of goods.

Shahrir wasn't effective, ask any housewife and she can bring you up to mark. Prices are high and day by day, the prices of goods keep going up.

But Shahrir might just be effective in coordinating public transport in the Klang Valley. Why?

For one thing, Shahrir can't be bought and another, he is not afraid of speaking up.

It would take an honest man to clean up the mess and Shahrir might just be that man.

No political pressure should be brought on by vested interests as is often the case in Malaysia (read the housing industry and hillslope development).

Klang Valley needs a thoroughly well-coordinated land and rail transport network.

One that is effective, reasonable and convenient and which would entice people to leave their cars at home and hop onto a bus, monorail or LRT in order to go to work, shopping or visiting.

On 100,000 news reports and counting!

Steve Oh: Congratulations for Malaysiakini 's top position in the class.

Your place in history is reserved because you dared to stand up for what you believed.

As one of your earliest supporters it gives me joy that you gave us a voice.

But your journey is never finished, often met with unexpected perils, but with the fortitude you have shown, nothing will stop you and we're right behind you.

Keep up the good work and God bless.

Ms Chan: Our heartiest congratulations! We 're all very proud of you! Keep it up!

SA: Congratulations on Malaysiakini 's 100,000th news report and the great tri-election coverage.

Nobody does election reporting like Malaysiakini can and I often look back at the March 8 with fond memories.

A year later, we're still in very interesting times. Good for business!

Marion Tharsis: Congratulations! You have done a good job and continue to do so amidst all pressures.

Your dedicated reporting team have given us good and accurate reports of important events and this is no easy task.

It certainly helps the people to think in that 'all that glitters is not gold'.

Thank you and wish you all the very best in your future undertakings and endeavours.

Siew Wah: Congratulations to the entire editorial board and all staff of Malaysiakini on achieving a new milestone ‘100,000 news reports and counting...’

Malaysians from all walks of life rejoice with you and pray that you keep your spirits high to counter the half-truths and untruths expressed in the controlled media of the new Najib administration.

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