From Our Readers

I refer to the letter Malaysia in a good position to advice Hamas and would like to express my complete disagreement with the writer.

The writer said he studied Islam. However, I think he did not study enough of the religion because if he had, he would have found out that Islam is a religion that does not tolerate injustice.

The writer, despite his visit to the West Bank, also obviously did not study the history of the Palestine-Israeli conflict because if he had, he would have found out that Israel is actually an illegitimate or illegal state.

This is because its establishment in 1948 involved the killing of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, the theft of their land and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their country.

To recognise the state of Israel is to legitimise all the atrocities mentioned above. Only people who are ignorant of history or devoid of any sense of justice will do such a thing.


Fortunately the majority of Malaysians are not like that and I hope the writer can take the effort to enlighten himself and join the majority of Malaysians.

Furthermore, the writer also seems ignorant of the background of the recent Israeli massacres of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

If he had bothered to do some investigation, he would have found out that Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election in 2006 but despite that, was not treated as a legitimate organisation by the US and Israel.


Also, for the last 18 months, Gaza was under a blockade by Israel which caused deaths and suffering amongst the 1.5 million people there due to the lack of food and medications.

The blockade was tightened further during the so-called six-month truce period when Hamas did not fire any rockets towards Israel.

Moreover, Israel killed 40 Palestinians during the truce period whilst no Israeli was killed during that time.

As a result of these gross injustices as well as their suffering, most people in Gaza were pressuring Hamas to fight against Israel with whatever weapons they had and that was the main reason the Hamas rockets were launched.

In other words, the rockets were not launched by terrorists but by a group of desperate people who had been victims of atrocities committed against them for more than 60 years.

The writer, if he had done some reading beside walking the streets of the West Bank, would have found out that the Israelis have been illegally occupying Palestinian land and are still murdering the innocent, stealing their land and at the same time trying to starve Gazans to death.

By the way, the writer may want to know that Israel, unlike Malaysia, is a racist state because Israel will not allow any Palestinian refugee to go back to their land but will allow any Jew from any part of the world to emigrate to Israel.

Lastly, we should encourage Malaysians to educate themselves more about the history of the conflict so that we can act justly towards the parties involved.

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