From Our Readers

I would like to offer two friendly warnings to all travelers who are entering or leaving Malaysia via the Custom and Immigration Quarantine Complex in Johor Bahru.

First, when leaving Malaysia, if you plan to go on foot, then you'll be in for quite an odyssey. There are apparently no dedicated lanes for pedestrians all the way to or from the Causeway.

You'll have to follow the vehicle roads and play 'Frogger' or 'chicken' with motorists to cross the road at certain points, as there are no raised pedestrian crossings or even zebra crossings.

Second, upon returning to Malaysia and after you have made it through the passport checkpoints, you will have a choice: turn left to walk to the JB City Square shopping complex, or turn right and go down an escalator or stairs to the bus stop.

I have learned first hand that once you make that choice, you cannot change it.


Let's say that you go to the bus area, but then want to try walking to JB City Square (due to a lack of busses).

If you now try and simply walk back up the stairs, backtracking not more than ten metres or so, you will be stopped by guards who have orders not to allow anyone to return via the way they came (Maybe if you try walking backwards, they'll make an exemption).

Instead, you have to walk back to the entry zone and go through the passport checkpoint all over again. At rush hour, this means you may have to queue in line behind up to 50 people.

The alternative is to simply walk along the road meant for vehicles, which is very risky.

By not providing any contingencies for pedestrians, the CIQ Complex is crippling the self-dependency and initiative of many Malaysians.

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