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I refer to the Malaysiakini report Coming soon: Fatwa on Yoga .

It would appear that these pronouncements are political in nature. The national fatwa council and Jakim are instruments of control to keep Malays and Muslims in line and sadly, by their pronouncements often tend to divide the races.

This yoga controversy is a case in point. In my considered opinion, it is part of the age-old divide and rule strategy, the modus operandi of Umno.

Umno cannot countenance having races co-operating and learning from each other. It doesn’t care two hoots about the well-being of Malays be it in economic, moral or physical upliftment.

This latest yoga issue is utterly synthetic and a pure charade. It is also utterly demeaning in that it presupposes that Malays are not discerning in matters of their faith.

Yoga consists of physical exercise, meditation and mental discipline which has been in practice for millenia. Various communities and cultures have adapted it and modified it to suit their needs.

Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and atheists will have different concepts of what is spiritual. It is a personal interaction which no fatwa council can ultimately influence.

When a Muslim performs yoga, his connection with the spiritual is through Allah. With the Hindus it is through Brahma in all His myriad forms. I cannot stress enough that it is a personal interaction.

Yoga classes in a modern urban setting (where it is predominantly practised ) have neutral 'spiritual' elements which the individual tunes into according to his own personal beliefs.

Mind, body and soul are intertwined in yogic philosophy. How does this conflict with Islam?

The idea that it is a prosletysing exercise is a childish and wicked figment of imagination of the fatwa council.

In fact, I would go as far as to say Muslims should be encouraged to attend yoga classes as it will discipline the mind, strengthen the body and keep them in touch with Allah.