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It is indeed heartening to note that there were some delegates in this year's PAS muktamar in Ipoh who had urged the leadership not to betray the non-Malays and the non-Muslims in its quest to partake in the administration of this nation.

It has to be noted that the non-Malays want Malay leaders who can be trusted to protect and give them the right to live and coexist peacefully in this country without playing the racial card whenever they feel their special position is being threatened.

We still have BN leaders using threatening language to put the message through to the masses that racial issues in political talks will not be tolerated. The administration has the police force at its beck and call and will freely use the Sedition Act against those who dare question anything. This has been proven many times.

But will the same law apply if an Umno delegate or supporter taunts the opposition? Will UiTM continue to ensure that all its lecturers and tutors are Malay as it may be wrong to learn a subject taught by a non-Malay? Or is it alright to learn a subject from a non-Malay teacher as long as only Malays benefit from it? These are the issues which the non-Malays would like to see trusted Malay leaders handle.

With the MIC only making a little whimper and some written protests on the Malay teacher who had verbally abused her Indian students with racial slurs, will a Malay leader step up instead to seek justice for the students?

We know that the whole government will be in outraged if a Chinese or Indian teacher were to use a derogatory term on a Malay student. As well as it should be. Nothing less then a sacking will do in such a circumstance because no student, regardless of race or religion deserves to be abused by a teacher. So why hasn’t anything been done about the abusive teacher? Why is the education minister keeping mum?

Do we want to be known as a country that openly discriminates within its own people? Without any form of effective check and balance to curb this sort of abuse - which openly goes unabated in Malaysia - unscrupulous people will slowly become bolder. Must law-abiding citizens take to the streets to demand justice and their rights?

It is not about the non-Malays ruling Malaysia, it is about whom we can trust to ensure that fairness and equality is given to all Malaysians irrespective of race. What we see after so many promises is that Malay leaders often use the non-Malays just to get elected. Then they declare that nothing must be said about Malay rights.

Therefore the non-Malays are just used and sapped for their contributions and then threatened to keep quiet. It is alright to use the non-Malay for the benefit of the Malays and vice-versa?

If the Chinese and Indians are required to open the universities built by MCA, Gerakan and MIC to the Malays without any questions, why can't the Malays open their universities to the non- Malays? For suggesting this, a Malay leader is deemed as a ‘traitor’. Is it alright to be an outright user but never betray your own race for proposing equality?’

If an open-minded Malay leader questions this, he becomes a ‘traitor’ to his own race. Instead of being proud of leaders who are trying to change the Malay mind and make them more self- reliant and determined to succeed, we hear and see nothing but hatred for these suggestions.

Therefore it will be alright for universities like the Melaka-Manipal University College, Utar, Wawasan University, Tafe College and the Aimst University College to be started by the funds donated by the non-Malays but in the long run, they have to benefit the Malays, no questions asked.

Why such injustice and polarisation? Aren’t we all Malaysians?

So, is this what we have to impart to our growing children - never ever question the system. It is meant to be like that and that is the way it will be no matter what.

God bless those Malay leaders who are determined to make change happen for we sincerely place our votes and trust with you. Please don't betray us.