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I refer to the letter NS deaths: Are you parents dead too?

Another death, another statistic. I believe that is the attitude of the government we have put in power. Why has our elected PM or DPM not made an sound or comment on this?

Why are there no independent investigations and reports for any of the deaths? I mean really independent investigations? These are the children of the rakyat ! Why should we vote for a government which sets up a system that results in the deaths of our children? Can Lee Lam Thye say something? Is he working for the rakyat or for the government?

I believe one of the mentalities of the NS camp trainers and managers, when they ignore the complaints of the trainees, is like this. These trainees must be trying to get out by pretending to be sick but the trainers don't give them the benefit of the doubt by taking them to a doctor. The trainer may have said, ‘ Aiyah , don't pretend lah , go join the team and run around the field’.

When it does result in death, they try to cover up and put the blame on the parents that the trainee was already sick when joining the camp. What an irresponsible statement.

What is our government doing about this? It is our children. Maybe, action will only be taken when deaths occur to one of the ministers’ children. Then will the wake up call come? Or will that will never happen as these VIP trainees will get special attention?

Some lawyers should examine the case for suing the government on behalf of the families for negligence. If this continues to happen, in the next GE, we should know what to do. The BN already had a wake up call in the GE2008. Was that not enough?

There is a great reluctance to stop the NS. Is it because there is a lot of money to be made from the contract to supply food and other materials to these NS camps? We should organise a rally together with the children against NS. Let's see if the government will use gas and water cannons on the children too. If they do? I am sure it is then the end of their mandate.

And, why is PKR not saying anything on this one? What has Anwar Ibrahim has to say so far? Nothing?

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