From Our Readers

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Olympic torch relay: 3 detained .

The Western countries invaded Iraq and murdered a million innocent Iraqis on the pretentious claim of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Was any and I aks any WMD found? Louder please, I can't hear you! Saddam was taken out because he tried to sell Iraqi oil in other currencies other than the US dollar.

The dead Iraqis are actually the lucky ones because the ones living have to face decades of uncertainty, hardship, and torture with no future for their children and their children's children. The Western countries in general and the United States of America in particular have committed mass genocide on Iraq.

They have in essence devastated the entire population of Iraq. The world should unite and call for the withdrawal of the US Army from Iraqi soil and demand hefty compensation and penalty against these criminals, con-men and murderers rather than trying to put out a tiny flame carried by a handicap teenager on a wheel chair.

Chinese companies were told to recall their lead-tainted toys exported to the United States. Faulty goods shall be replaced and any harm done made good. No questions. Let it also be known that the Wall Street sold billions and billions worth of toxic bonds and dubious Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs) around the world on the backing of fabricated AAA ratings.


This caused the on going world financial crisis. Did the US government call up the all the con artists of Wall Street to recall their toxic waste? Of course not.

Tibet belongs to China just like Penang belongs to Malaysia. The world has to respect China's sovereignty.

All the Western countries in general and the United States in particular want is to enslave the Asian countries so that they can live off their hard-earned money and the way to do it is to make sure that China do not succeed. They consider the Asians, ‘children of a lesser god’.

So when the West calls out for human rights all it means is that they have rights but we Asians don't. Wake up Malaysians!

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