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Less race-based parties, more benefits

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Umno, not Malays, under threat .

I have shared my view on the need and existence of the BN component parties just before the elections and after reading the above reoprt I have decided to share this view.

If we look at Unmo and MCA, their existence is dependent on the racial needs of their communities, and year in year out, they harp on issues relating to the various communities’ needs. The MCA will be on New Villages and Chinese schools. BN on the wealth of the Malays.

The issue here is that if all these needs were fulfilled then MCA and Umno will become irrelevant. MIC also has the same problems. In a sense, there is a conflict of interest. The more the needs of each communities are resolved, the less relevant for the existence of the BN component parties and the less the needs of each communities are resolved, the more relevant the the BN component parties will be.

So I have concluded that BN will always ensure that the needs of the various communities will always remain unfulfilled in order for the BN component parties to remain relevant. Can you see what happens in Perak when the new Paktan MB announced the issue of land titles to all New Villages? In one sweep, the issues that is championed by the MCA and also maybe Umno is resolved and the need for the BN racial parties is immediately diminished.

In a sense, we can conclude that only non-racial parties can be sincere in helping the marginalised poor over the long haul because their platform and existence do not fall within racial lines and there is no conflict of existence with their overall aims.

As for the Anwar celebrations recently, I hope Anwar and gang will be cautious. With the possibility of Pakatan Rakyat becoming the new government, there is much at risk for the existing BN leadership and we do not know how low these people will stoop to protect their interests and existence.

Could there be a another orchestrated racial riots or an assassination attempt? With the Mongolian case, I do not doubt what these people can plan.

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