I refer to the Malaysiakini article Fire on the roof of the world .
I am quite alarmed at China's response to protests held in Tibet and surrounding regions. Daily we see protests about it along the Olympic torch run, and I wonder why we don't hear more protests here in Malaysia. The Olympic games lend an excellent opportunity for the world to pressure China to do better in its treatment of others.
Some say that such a move is politicising the Olympic games when they are only about sport. But I beg to differ as there has always been a political element in the games. That's why countries fight so hard to host them; so that they can show off their might and economic wealth on the world stage.
That's why these games mean so much to the Chinese government today. From the moment they were granted the right to host the games, it has been a political issue for them. It's not really about having a good natured contest between countries.
It's about showing off economic clout, national power and glory. Good sportsmanship, peace and harmony are a very distant second. It's China's coming out party and they don't want anyone to rain on it.
If China continues to go down the path of repression and violence, I don't believe I can honestly turn on my television set and watch the games. It would be like taking part in a glamorous party while crowds of people outside are beaten, jailed and tortured.
It simply sickens me that we can go on with these games as if nothing is happening. Which to me is giving China the message that it can continue to have it's cake (persecuting others or support persecution) and eat it too (world influence and ascendancy).
It's as though that many countries and athletes in the world are saying that it doesn't matter how China conducts itself as a nation, we will continue to support them and applaud them. I sincerely hope that heads of state will boycott the opening and closing ceremonies and that athletes will take a stand and not participate in the games.
It's definitely a sacrifice on their part, but it sends a strong and clear message that human life is valued above fame and glory. If there are other ways to apply pressure, then we should do so. Nothing will change unless there is some pain on the part of the Chinese government. A loss of ‘face’ along with economic pain just might be the catalyst to make a difference in the lives of those who face persecution daily.
I used think it was a mistake that China was given the chance to host the games, now I believe it's a golden opportunity for world to make a difference. If we miss this opportunity, it frightens me about what things China might demand of or take from the rest of the world as they gain more economic and military might.
I'm not so sure I want a country like China to become a world power if they continue to believe that they don't have to shoulder any of the responsibilities that come with being a world power. Do we really need another world power with the potential to abuse the rest of the world?