From Our Readers

I would like to highlight again the Auditor-General's report where some blatant jack-up of prices for several items in various ministries was highlighted.

To date, I wonder what punitive steps the prime minister has taken to address the issue to prevent future occurrences. Or has this just been swept under the carpet hoping that the Malaysians will just forget about it?

Mr PM, when you first assume the highest office and established the Pelan Integriti Negara (National Integrity Plan) we thought "at last, we have a clean prime minister and things are heading towards a brighter path". But after years of observation, we can only exclaim that you are the "same brood of vipers as the rest, not much better but only worse."

With your son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, and the rest of the cabinet members who are mostly non-thinking people, we are really disappointed with your administration. All we need to do is to wait for another year and so and cast our vote of discontentment against you to ensure that Barisan Nasional will be denied the two-third majority.

We need a better check-and-balance system. If the BN government cannot ensure that to us, we have to mobilise peoples' power to overthrow a draconian regime or reduce the power of a corrupt party.

How can you be so silent with respect to the corrupt act of your public servants and chief ministers like the one in Sarawak . At least a serious investigation must be carried out. These are our monies and wealth.

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