I refer to the malaysiakini report 'Bloodshed' in Parliament .
Whatever it is, let it be. In the coming election, BN will come back to power with a majority. The reason is because they knew they could lose badly in this coming general election so they had consulted the 'bomoh' (shaman).
The 'bomoh' advised them to slaughter the animals for the guardian 'panglimas' (spirits) [datuk-datuk - Lord Muniswarer - Tua Peh Kong] of the Parliament building. They then covered this up by using the excuse of having a 'kenduri' for Pak Lah' marriage and that the animals had to be slaughtered.
Actually, BN allied parties like MIC, Gerakan, MCA knew about this matter earlier and they never objected the idea of sacrificing animals in the Parliament grounds. They pretended that they were not consulted.
Even on the day of the slaughter, the Hindu and Buddhist BN parties should have objected and highlighted it to the media. They didn't - not until the whole thing was exposed by DAP.
By the way, I will try to find out which 'bomoh' they had consulted and inform your readers later. If the opposition is to win the election, they have to counter the animal sacrifice by consulting their own god or goddess before the full moon on July 29.
Good luck.