Some malaysiakini letter writers have suggested that people like Lina Joy should in fact take her matter to the Syariah Court to renounce her religion first before attempting to change her name with the National Registration Department. It was logical, and indeed make good common sense. Many of us are persuaded that Lina was trying to put the cart before the horse, for the issue of the status of her religion has not been decided yet.
Now having read malaysiakini news on the case involving Revathi Masoosai , I have to apologise to Lina that I was wrong in my thinking. Had Lina submitted herself to the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court, she would probably end up like Revathi, and in all probability she will be detained at the camp without trial for a period of six months.
From my reading of Revathi's matter, the Syariah Court made a summary order for her to be detained and sent to the rehabilitation camp without any hearing. The application by Revathi to renounce her Muslim religion to Hinduism is prima facie the cause for such an order above.
That being the case, I find those who argue to give the Syariah Court a chance and submit to their jurisdiction is without merits or any legal or moral substance. What I find shocking is the statement made by Revathi, that she was forced to eat beef by the religious officer. This is sacrilegious to the Hindus.
That is not rehabilitation. Ravathi was coerced, unfortunately they fail to break her will. I have read letters from scholars who very persuasively argued that there is no compulsion in Islam and they have quoted passages from the Holy Quran to support their arguments that it is a religion of peace and the Prophet never compel anyone to follow his teachings. What went wrong or is my understand that the religion is misaligned?
Having read the cases involving Marimuthu and Revathi, I would like our prime minister to explain to Malaysian how Islam Hadhari fits into the above. Islam Hadhari as I understand is progressive interpretation of Islam. Is the Syariah Court interpretation of Islam in line with Islam Hadhari?
The next question is what is the prime minister going to do about Revathi? Is the forceful separation from her husband and child by the religious authorities against human rights?