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I refer to the malaysiakini report Poll: Chinese more likely to vote for opposition .

How times have changed. In the last two general elections in 2004 and 1999, the Chinese tended to vote for the present regime as they were uncomfortable with PAS and their Islamic principles. Without the Chinese votes then, the BN would have lost more seats and may even not have got to form the government. The 1999 polls also showed that the Malay voters had voted against Umno due to the Anwar Ibrahim factor.

Now the tide is changing and the Chinese-majority parties in the BN stable will suffer the most if their members abandon them. The likely winner will most probably be the DAP as the recent Sarawak polls had shown. The opposition party won additional state seats in Chinese areas where the electorate were dissatisfied with the state government.

One can see why the Chinese are angry with the government. The 'kris-wielding show' by an important Umno member and racists remark by delegates at the last Umno assembly has hurt their feeling. On top of that, contrary to what the mainstream papers are saying, business is bad and many Chinese who are in business are suffering unless they have political patronage that can get business opportunities if 'the price is right'.

I dare say not only the Chinese will vote for opposition in the coming polls but also decent Malays, Indians and other races whose wallets are thinner due to rising inflation. Their 'bread and butter' are affected due to weak government weak policies which are unable to tame inflation.

But rural Malays will still vote for the present regime as they have been brainwashed by the present regime into believing that only Umno can fight for their birthright. And don't forget the government machineries and elections funds at the disposal of Umno and BN come every general election.

However, politics is the art of the possible and may the winds of change which have caused several corrupt governments in the world to fall blow to our shores. No government in the world can remain in office forever if they are corrupt to the core.

It would be interesting to see whether the present regime can win with a landslide in the coming polls as all indications are that the people are fed up with price increases, endemic corruption and abuse of power by the political elites who only work for themselves, their families and cronies.

But changing the present regime in the coming polls is wishful thinking. One can only hope that the aging and corrupt ministers will step down for the coming polls and make way for new blood. Voters, however, should vote them out of office if they still want to run. Vote wisely, folks, in the next polls and don't fall for the government propaganda that all is well in this country.

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