The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is appalled and call for the withdrawal of the latest television advertisement run by McDonalds on its Prosperity Burger.

The advertisement depicts a traditional Chinese woman (probably an Empress Dowager) shooing away (dismissing) local and traditional cooks who serve her traditional Chinese meals. She instead opts out for Mcdonald's Prosperity Burger.

It is a shame that the Chinese culture and cuisine has now been McDonaldized. At a time when we are searching and groping to hang on to our traditional cultures and values, advertisements such as these are being allowed to be aired.

The impression being imbedded in our childrens minds is that fast food is much more superior to our local and traditional cuisine.

CAP calls on the authorities to immediately order the withdrawal of this advertisement and demands that McDonalds make an apology to the Chinese community.


The writer is president, Consumers Association of Penang .

Editor's note: A reader has alerted us to this report.

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