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I, as many other Malaysians had watched a recent TV3 news broadcast with a little alarm. It was then that we all witnessed the all-out usage of the government-owned media to downplay the results of the Asli findings plus an assault on those who question the government's methodology for calculating bumi equity.

I quote from a minister that was interviewed: "The future of the Malays should be decided by the Malays themselves, why are others interjecting in this issue? It's our future, let us decide. Don't create trouble, everything has been fine so far. Even if the bumi equity is 30%, 45% or even 60% now, this still does not change the fact that Malays are marginalised. We (the government/Umno) do not just look at statistics, but we look at reality. Look around you, Malays are still not achieving wealth on par as other races".

All the while he was speaking in an angry and irritated tone. Also the TV3 newscasters were obviously pushing the Umno agenda. The Umnoputras are shamelessly playing the racial card again to get the Malays to back them by giving the impression that their rights are being threatened. In reality, it's the future of the Umnoputras wealth accumulation that is at stake, not that of the ordinary Malay on the street.

The minister also implied that even if the equity target is 60% at this time, the government will not abolish the NEP. This is clearly against the spirit of the BN and the promise that previous administrations made when the NEP was in its infancy. The BN promised to abolish the NEP if the bumiputeras are able to achieve a 30% of equity stake in the country. Now this minister is saying that they can prolong the NEP for however long they wish because they are other 'measurements' to be taken into consideration too. Why weren't these other 'measurements' brought up when the NEP was in its infancy?

During the broadcast, a letter from a pro-government supporter was shown telling everyone to 'calm down and not question the government, because in the end all will lose'.


Yes fellow Malaysians, we have all witnessed the shameless banter on public television on Oct 17, 2006 which pushed lies and attempted to scare the public into backing the government. Time and time again many have fallen for this trick. But this time, I hope Malaysians from all races and religions will not fall for this trick anymore. TV3 even went so far as to show an 'exemplary' BN component party leader, S Samy Vellu as a partner in the BN coalition that can be relied on. They were strategically saying that Gerakan is an unreliable partner in the BN.

We all know that the only ones that stand to lose out big time are the leaders in Umno and their elite circle of friends, contacts and families. If the NEP is abolished, it means no more government contracts, no more endlessly huge amounts of money pouring in to their coffers which in turn means no more luxury cars, no more overseas holidays, no more multiple mansions, no more lazing while at work and no more special treatment from both government departments and the private sector.

That is why they are defending it as if their lives depend on it. Let's get rid of these people from governing our country and leading it to waste. Make sure your vote counts in the next election.

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