I refer to the letter Chinese M'sians must accept their lot by FN.
FN raises a number of points, that in my opinion, only serves to strongly reinforce the statements made by Lee Kuan Yew.
The first point brought up by FN is that "Aren't Malay Singaporeans marginalised too?". Has FN heard about the term "Two wrongs do not make a right?". And in fact, even if Singapore Malays are being marginalised, is FN then saying that Malaysia should somehow 'take revenge' on Chinese Malaysians? I struggle to imagine the principles and morals that FN will teach his children.
The second part really demonstrates the core of FN's thinking where he mentions that Chinese are only immigrants. I was born in Malaysia as was my father and my father's father. How many generations must my children, and their children after them, go through before they will be viewed as Malaysians?
FN says that Chinese have big houses and multiple cars, what more do they want? Well, let me make it clear if he cannot understand. We just want to be treated equally and not be called 'pendatang'. We ask for no handouts and no special assistance or treatment. By all means, help those who are in need. Put in place the necessary policies. But make sure the policies put out are fair. If you want to tackle poverty or wealth distribution, why tackle it by race? The poor are poor, regardless of their race.
It seems that to FN poverty and income is tied to race. This cannot be any further from the truth. Are you saying that there are no Chinese who are poor? Does every large house belong to a Chinese? How about non-Chinese non-bumiputeras, what about them? What is FN's excuse for the other minority races who actually have much less per capita income than the 'sons of the soil'? Is anyone helping them?
At the end of the day, the fact that a person can only view things by race is incredibly saddening. There is no other excuse for this besides it being blatant racism. And racism is something that none of us should accept.
Therefore, I say to FN, continue to be a racist. Continue to expect that someone owes you a living in life. On my part, I will continue to work hard to earn my living, continue not to expect receiving any handouts from anyone, provide the best for my children as well as continue helping those in need, regardless of their race. Even for those who are perhaps the 'sons of the soil'.