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I am disappointed that MCA and Gerakan rebuke Singapore Mentor Minister Lee Kuan Yew for his remarks that the Chinese in Malaysia are marginalised.

Is Lee not telling the truth of what is happening in Malaysia? Have the Chinese and other non-Malays in Malaysia not long been victimised by the so-called the special rights, educational and economic quotas for the Malays and other biases in favour of the Malays? Why are the MCA and Gerakan insisting that there is no marginalisation of the Chinese in Malaysia?

When the Penang Umno Youth accused the Penang government of marginalising the Malays, the MCA and Gerakan kept silent. This time when Lee reveals the marginalisation of the Chinese in Malaysia, the MCA and Gerakan protest at Lee's statement. Do MCA and Gerakan not claim to champion the cause of the Chinese? The interests of which races are MCA and Gerakan protecting?

MCA and Gerakan owe the Chinese an explanation to all the questions above. If they are unable to provide the answers, they do not deserve the support of the Chinese and other non-Malays in Malaysia.

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