I'm sure you readers are aware of Peak Oil and its implications. After reading up on it and assured of its inevitability, I ve decided to take action.
I scoured the Internet and found excellent research done by Wan N L Noor, a Malaysian student in the UK, on the implications of Peak Oil on Malaysia. I've been discussing it with him and we realised that first we must create awareness among the Malaysian populace.
Then we must identify workable solutions in the local context. For your readers information, biodiesel is just a temporary solution that creates massive environmental damage.
The best solutions I've read require a lifestyle change to consume less oil and gradually switch to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. But more input from different people are needed for workable solutions.
This link and this presentation lead to the research done by Wan. They are a good start to educate your readers on Peak Oil and its terrible ramifications.