I would like to refer to Raimy Che-Ross lament in Dude, where's my Lost City? and my encouragement in Raimy, go get your Lost City! Raimy further elaborated the sad state of affairs in Discovery insight: Dumber and dumber .

To the uninitiated, please read Raimy's articles. Raimy summed up the current state of his quest for the Lost City of Kota Gelanggi as being dogged by the irritating sensationalist press, allegedly expert historians, and the scheming bureaucrats.

Raimy claims that conceited annoying academics and bumbling politicians are impeding his quest. The top it up, there are capricious filibustering from bruised superior egos all around.

If Raimy's allegations are true, then what we have here is a serious case of bureaucratic red tape. I beseech the minister in charge to clear the way for Raimy. We are talking about a lost city which could be even older than Angkor Wat. What are we waiting for?

Just let Raimy lead the team and get it over and done with. Why waste so much time and money on a bunch of conceited and clueless so-called experts who brought along another bunch of free loaders for a two-day one-night holiday at Hyatt JB with a four-hour 'tour' to locate the lost city?

Why tell us rakyat blatant lies that Raimy was present and assisted during the failed search on March 21, 2005? Why cover up the whole fiasco? Muzium Negara and your tardy friends, please get cracking. Don't wait until Raimy becomes a relic before the lost city can see the light of day.

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