I am a non-bumiputera born in Bentong, Pahang, Malaysia. I feel sad that until 1969, I was a pure Malaysian but now I am considered a non-bumiputera Malaysian.
Non-bumiputeras who have left Malaysia and have been given equal opportunities in other countries would naturally prefer to take up citizenship in those non-biased countries and give up their Malaysian citizenship. For example, in the UK, all citizens are given equal rights and there is no institutionalised racial discrimination as in Malaysia.
Many non-bumiputera Malaysians overseas, including my children, say they don`t wish to live in a country that refers to them as non-bumiputeras although this is where they were actually born.
In which other countries are the citizens referred to as bumiputera and non-bumiputera? Why is there this terminology for Malaysian citizens born in this land? Can I ask my government that?