I agree with Darshan Singh Khaira's letter Malaysia-Singapore thorns , that the cutting of a canal in the northern peninsular would bring a lot of benefits to Malaysia.
New highways, modern railroad networks, industrial estates, and big airports would naturally come into play to compliment the existence of the super-modern canal-port in the north. The poverty stricken population in the areas would eventually be placed on the fast track towards developments and modernity. The spillover would be enjoyed by both Malaysians and Thais.
Apart from facilitating development in the northern and east-coast states, the canal would also ease naval traffic in the already congested and dangerous Malacca Straits. Thus, we need not entertain pressure to allow the US Navy to guard the straits on security issues.
With less ships, our straits, coastlines, and islands in the south would be much cleaner for us to enjoy. Our fishermen would enjoy much healthier harvests and hoteliers along the west and east-south coast would soon register healthy bookings for their rooms.
The cutting of a canal in the north of peninsular would make drugs and arms smuggling activities across the Malaysia-Thailand border much harder for the criminals. Also, it saves cargo shipping companies time, distance, fuel and risk. Singapore would be left alone. It would probably no longer ask for sand from us anymore.
Forget about the bridge in the south. Make a canal in the north, instead. Just remember, don't build anything before the talks with Thailand are duly concluded.