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With regards to the cancelled half-bridge project, I applaud our prime minister's decision. The only regret is that the decision should, and could, have been made much earlier. What an eyesore it would have been if we had completed the half-bridge. We would have been a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

But the bridge did not make sense from the very beginning. In the days of the mega-projects (and I would also like to remind that there was once a proposal by a minister to build a bridge linking Melaka to Sumatra!) it was 'okay' in the sense that the new bridge to replace the causeway was just one of the numerous resources-wasting projects. There were many and some were completed while others did not even got off the drawing boards (thank God).

We do not need a new bridge to attract business to the Johor Port. Better infrastructure, and most important, better 'software' will enable us to compete with Singapore. In fact, the problems that the water pipes and cables underneath the present causeway present would only arise if we go ahead with the bridge.

All in all, at least the project was stopped. Now we wonder how much taxpayers' money will have to be given to the contractor. It is obvious who is the winner in the merry-andrew!

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