These are excerpts from the Barisan Manifesto 2004 . Consider the promises made and judge for yourselves how much we've progressed.

'BN ensures that no group is neglected or left behind, and that each citizen has a stake in nation-building. BN ensures that each community is represented in line with the practice of genuine power sharing. BN will continue to promote peace, prosperity and harmony among all Malaysians. BN gives priority to national unity and will ensure one system of government for all Malaysians.

BN addresses your needs by combating corruption and enhancing the quality of government services. BN cares about your needs and will seek your views on important issues. BN recognises all groups including young people, women and rural folk as national assets. All must be involved in nation building

BN upholds the diversity of religious practice, language and culture. BN will nurture humanitarian values and civic consciousness.

Everyone has a stake and a voice in Malaysia under Barisan Nasional.


  • BN is strongly committed to parliamentary democracy, which gives each citizen a say in the administration of this nation.

  • BN safeguards the interests of all citizens. We listen to and act on the hopes and aspirations of all groups regardless of age, gender, ethnic background and religion.
  • ADS

  • BN calls upon all groups to participate in nation-building. Young people, women and rural folk in particular, make up a large proportion of the population. They must be given the opportunities to participate and contribute.
  • BN will continue to promote peace, stability and harmony among all Malaysians.

    • All ethnic groups are represented in the BN. Power sharing is genuine, along with a strong spirit of togetherness and 'give and take'.

  • Islam is accorded its rightful position as the official religion of Malaysia. We believe in a tolerant and progressive Islam. Freedom to worship other religions is guaranteed by the sonstitution.
  • ADS

  • There will be one system of government for all people. We will not tolerate divisiveness from extremism.
  • We respect the separation of powers provided under the constitution, with each institution - the executive, legislature, and judiciary - playing their respective roles to ensure a system of checks and balances and the rule of law.
  • We believe in fair and equitable sharing of the fruits of economic growth. Development must benefit all areas of the country and all groups. Those in need will continue to receive support. No group will be left behind.
  • Your opinions and views continue to matter as Barisan Nasional endeavours to implement people-centred policies. To address your need for better services and more accountable government, BN will:

    • Continue the all-out campaign against corruption, without fear or favour.

  • Make national schools the school of choice through quality improvements, including better teaching of mother-tongue languages, as well as safeguard the position of national-type schools today.
  • Foster student interaction to enhance national unity.
  • Improve the working environment for teaching professionals.
  • Enhance higher education institutions to produce high-calibre graduates.
  • Improve the application of syariah law in the country, and ensure Muslim women have recourse to a fair and just legal system.
  • Continue to promote a culture of zero-tolerance for corruption.
  • Introduce a code of ethics and integrity for the public and private sector, political parties and civil society.
  • Nurture a more open and participative society, working together with NGOs.
  • Improve the gender sensitivity of the police force.
  • Improve responsiveness to the public's complaints and concerns.
  • With this resolve, we will convince the people, through example and concrete proof, to continue to support the Barisan Nasional government towards realising the hopes and aspirations of the Malaysian people.'

    Phew! You be the judge people!

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