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It is disheartening to see the closure of Sarawak Tribune over the offensive caricatures issue and it is even more disheartening to see last Friday's demonstration against Denmark. However, the only silver lining in the gloomy clouds is the fact that our Malaysian protestors are still able to maintain decorum, control their tempers and avoid any untoward incidents. Kudos to our Muslim friends.

If one could recall the book entitled Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, one would agree that the contents of the book is extremely damning to the entire Catholics faith. But do we see the Vatican coming up in arms against Dan Brown? No. In fact, riding on the popularity of Da Vinci Code , Dan Brown has been able to make his earlier books such as Angel & Demon , Digital Fortress and Total Deception instant million dollars bestsellers. Basking in fame, Dan Brown is certainly luckier than people like Salman Rushdie who had to flee for his life following the Ayatollah Khomeni's demand for his head for his book, Satanic Verses .

Personally, I believe if our faith is anchored upon the solid rock, the likes of Dan Brown and Salman Rushdie can ever shake it, let alone eliminate it. As a Christian, I do not condone the act of degrading other religions. However, all parties need to show certain degree of maturity and not further jeopardise the situation.

Those deplorable cartoons certainly portrayed Islam in a very bad light by linking the religion to terrorism and violence. However, we must remember that by reacting violently out of anger, the supposing falsehood of those cartoons has been affirmed.

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