“So often survivors have had their experiences denied, trivialised, or distorted. Writing is an important avenue for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your own reality. You can say: This did happen to me. It was that bad. It was the fault and responsibility of the adult. I was - and am - innocent.”
- Ellen Bass, ‘The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse’
If you have been following closely news on child sexual abuse, you will know YB Azalina Othman Said has been fighting for the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017 which will be tabled for the second reading today.
Around 5,000 children were sexually abused in 2016 alone and the number is rising every year. The rise in child sexual abuse cases was alarming, particularly those committed by paedophiles who preyed on the young.
It took me a while to write on this heavy topic. My heart was sinking. Reading cases after cases on how severe and how serious this issue is in our society. What gives?
“In 2016, a total 5,052 cases of child sexual abuse were reported and we view this as a serious issue,” said Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong). Even scarier, between 70 and 80 percent of offenders were known to the victims and typically were parents, siblings, child minders, relatives or neighbours.
Most complaints of child sexual abuse in Malaysia do not lead to successful prosecutions, largely due to weaknesses in the nation’s criminal justice system, police, lawmakers and child welfare groups say.
We are their voices. If we don’t protect the children, who will?
Be kind. Be considerate. Never doubt how a small ripple will create waves that will bring the change. While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi