The report of the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysian Police has been released for public appraisal. Kudos No 3 to Pak Lah.
Kudos No 1 was for when he had the royal commission set up. Kudos No 2 was for when he said that he is committed towards implementing the commission's recommendations and the formation of a task force to implement them.
Some have requested for the commission's whole report to be made available on the Internet but not all Malaysians have access to what is on the Web. What is most important is that the report is freely available to all interested citizens. It should also be available in all the major languages used by the people.
The government should ensure that the commission's recommendations are widely disseminated to all, so that the people can know their rights and know how to respond rightly and appropriately when they with have any dealings with the police
Just like the people should know about of their rights and appropriate actions, the members of the police force, too, should also be aware of these as well as their professional responsibilities.
The royal commission has suggested 'Mesra, cekap dan beramanah' (Friendly, efficient and trustworthy) as the new motto of the Royal Malaysian Police. May I suggest the following - 'Khidmat bersih, cekap dan amanah untuk rakyat dan negara' (Clean, efficient and trustworthy service for the people and the country).
This is to ensure that the members of the Royal Malaysian Police are always reminded that they should have the rakyat and nation at heart first and not themselves.
The first task the task force must carry out is the setting up of a truly independent IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission). Hopefully, we don't have to wait long for this.