I refer to the Rentakini article It's a Muslim issue: How gay are you? The article raised pertinent thoughts on the topic of HIV/Aids and homosexuality vis-a-vis the Muslim perspective.
It states the anxiety faced by many gays and lesbians who are torn between the teachings of Islam and their compulsion towards loving an individual of the same sex. PT Foundation chairman Hisham Hussein is so right in saying that homosexuality is not a Malay Muslim issue - rather it is a phenomenon.
However, the article made a mention that 'homosexuality is a lifestyle we must accept that exists, whether we like it or not'. But labelling one's sexual inclination or orientation as a 'lifestyle' brings out the impression that it is faddish and this is not true.
The term 'lifestyle' defines a negative connotation when used in conjunction with homosexuality. The common notion among the lay people is that homosexuals can be 'reformed' and this myth is taking us a long, long time to debunk.
This in spite of the opposing stand taken by the American Psychiatric Association that 'reparative' or 'conversion' therapy cannot change a person's sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual.
The APA says reparative therapy runs the risk of harming patients by causing depression, anxiety and inducing self-destructive behaviour. Homosexuality is a normal human sexual response, and this is the stand taken by APA and which I cannot agree more.