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I refer to the letter Unseen effects of the Jawi raid .

I fail to see the difference between the raid by Jawi and the raids conducted by enforcement authorities against brothels and drug haunts. Should all these raids be put come to a halt because they are violating the privacy of those whom are targeted?

If a Muslim consuming alcohol and dancing with the opposite sex is considered a matter 'only between her and God' as the writer puts it, then what a man does with a prostitute is also 'between him and god'.

A drug addict injecting drugs into his bloodstream is also then a matter 'between him and God'. A couple who voluntarily videotapes their bedroom action for commercial purposes is then also committing an act 'between them and God'.

Thus, we should stop all raids aimed at eradicating prostitution, drug addicts, illegal racing, and gambling. Also, we should also stop all raids against pornographic VCD manufacturing and distribution. After all, these are nothing but acts 'between them and God'.

Well, it seems that Jawi is un-Islamic because it raid was directed at acts that were deemed to be matters between an individual and God.. But why conveniently single out only Jawi?

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