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Dear Tan Sri Adenan Satem

The late great American author, Mark Twain once said “Loyalty to country always, Loyalty to government when it deserves it.” Here in Malaysia that line has been blurred so much that people are made to believe that love for one’s country equates to the love of the ruling government.

With all the different issues and scandals surrounding the current ruling BN government, from allegations of corruption and misused of power, and also the passing of oppressive and flip-flop policies have clearly shown the incompetence and ineptness of the government to continue to rule our country.

Permit me to remind you Tan Sri, it was you that have admitted how such policies have a negative effect on the state as well as how we have been short-changed especially when it comes to our rights under the Malaysian Agreement 1963.

Your zeal and efforts to combat corruption in the state especially your crusade on illegal loggers and even your personal pledge not to award public contracts to his family members, supposedly shows your ‘No-tolerance’ stand towards corrupt practices.

However, will multiple developments on the widely-publicised scandals including RM 2.6 billion which was deposited into PM Najib personal account, and also the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) case among others that was thrown out by the attorney-general (AG) who decided there was no wrong doing in both cases and decided not to prosecute, I would like to request for your stand on these matters?

Does your ‘No-tolerance’ stand applies in these circumstances as well, or is it selective in nature?

I acknowledge that Article 145(3) of the constitution vestc absolute discretion on the attorney-general “to institute, conduct or discontinue” any proceedings for an offence, which cannot be challenged in a court of law.

However in your vast wisdom and commendable principles, wouldn’t you agree that the AG owes a public responsibility to give an account on his astonishing decision not to charge the prime minister at all, or even throw out the NFC case without any trial in court?

Tan Sri, with all your experience and legal background, I believe you would appreciate the notion of ‘Separation of Powers’ and the duty of the AG to be impartial. Do you with full integrity, not doubt the conflict of interest of the AG Mohamed Apandi Ali who was appointed under suspicious circumstances then declaring the person who appoints him not guilty of such wrongdoings?

Inconsistent answers

Do you with all your strong principles against corruption, accept the inconsistent answers from the Prime Minister’s Office regarding the RM2.6 billion scandal?

Besides that, there is also another matter at hand.

There is a report on BBC yesterday entitled ‘Saudi gift to Malaysia PM Najib Razak for election campaign’ allegedly claiming that the money was authorised by the late Saudi Arabian King Abdullah to help the BN coalition win the election, employing a strategic communications team, focusing on the province of Sarawak and funding social programmes through party campaigning.

May I ask whether you are aware of such ‘donations’ and if so has the money been given for the benefit of the people of Sarawak? The donation was channelled before the 13th general election so it would mean that the state of Sarawak supposedly would have enjoyed the windfall for the past three years.

You have been very vocal about not letting external influences come and meddle into the affairs of Sarawak. May I ask whether allowing such funds in is a sign of not just Umno, but also international powers meddling in state affairs? The Saudi government logically wouldn’t be channelling such big amount of money without a strings attached and it curious to see that they are specifically interested in Sarawak.

Permit again for me to remind Tan Sri, of your vow to reconsider your loyalty towards him especially if he is found guilty of 1MDB-related offences. Of course this case is not proven to be linked with the much maligned 1MDB, but just because you are discharge of wrongdoing for one offence, doesn’t mean you are innocent of another.

I would like to urge if I may, for you, Tan Sri, to make your stand on the matter with base on your personal convictions and full integrity. I believe you owe it to the people of Sarawak to see what truly is your stand, especially in the matter of corruption which has crippled our nation.

It is my believe that just by going after a certain specific group for corruption but ignoring the bigger person who has taken questionable steps to ensure he stays ‘untouchable’ is downright an insult to the principles of integrity and good governance.

And I haven’t start talking about our beloved Governor yet.

“Never let your loyalty make a fool of you”

Yours sincerely,

Kelvin Yii

DR KELVIN YII is a parliamentary assistant to Stampin MP Julian Tan.

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