From Our Readers

The National Union of Flight Attendants (Nufam) would like to respond to the matter raised by Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin in urging Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) to impose the option of wearing hijab by the Muslim female flight attendants.

This issue can be deemed as not possible as MAB has a trademark of an international airline built to serve a host of non-Muslim passengers around the world. Nufam had previously discussed this issue when it was raised by some of the Muslim crew members. We raised this matter since many had us to do so. The request was just an option for the Muslim crew to don the hijab but hence, the answer we received was that it was simply not possible.

The Transport Ministry had held discussions on this matter with the union officials. The government has decided to make a stand on this issue raised by us. We somehow know that this issue will be raise again by some parties and in fact it was also deliberated in the Parliament but we saw nothing out of this issue.

Although some parties believed that the government should impose this ruling, the public at large saw it differently. Although the wearing of hijab was merely a good intention but on the holistic view, the question that should be raised is whether MAB could comply to the Syariah ruling? There have always been mixed reactions on this matter and we know what the public will think when someone intends to raise this matter.

Our union members have also previously made a request to the company but will the airline change its working policies for the Muslim cabin crew? The issue of wearing hijab at work must also fit the environment we work in as it can be deemed sensitive as by Syariah law, no Muslim should be serving alcohol to a person. So it will also be not right for a Muslim who wants to work under such environment but chooses to do only what he deems fit.


As employees, the crew are also caught between the company’s standard operating procedure (SOP). This makes it tougher when the Muslim crew themselves are subjected to carrying out such duties on board while knowing it’s not right.

There was also an issue of what about when the Muslim crew is fasting? Does that mean he or she will not be subjected to serve the passengers the alcohol? That had also raised many questions in the past.

A Muslim crew member cannot deny the passenger of his request for alcohol when the request is made. If the crew refuses to entertain the request or even choose not to serve the passenger, then the passenger has the right to complain to the airline which could also cause the crew to be subjected to disciplinary action.


There has been some complaints on these problems where the crew had denied the passenger his drink as she was also fasting at that time. It so happened that most of the crew members operating on that flight were also fasting. Apparently one non-Muslim eventually helped serve the passenger in the end. The passenger was however not happy as he thought the crew should not have denied him the service.

So, it’s quite tough, you see, while the crew are also being caught under such situation. We are aware that it’s even tougher when the Muslim crew members themselves have to comply to their duties as it’s part of their job to serve the passengers regardless of the situation.

Formation of Rayani Airlines a good move

Perhaps the government may want to look into this issue and start doing something about this problem. As it is, we see the formation of Rayani Airlines which is a Syariah-compliant airline and that is already a good move made by the parties involved.

On the contrary, the subject remains open for MAB to also adopt new policies if they wish to but we believe it’s still up to the government to decide on this matter. If the government wishes to form a national airline to compete with Rayani Airlines, then it’s their call. As of now, we have 70 percent Muslim crew members who are working for the airlines and they choose not to be subjected to this kind of matter as they need the jobs in order to survive.

As individuals, everyone has the right to remain within their own beliefs, so either they have to follow or choose to switch jobs elsewhere. We have many who have switched jobs because of this issue. Nufam also encourages those crew who wish to opt for the hijab to consider switching jobs or join Rayani Airlines since the airline have been given the go-ahead by the Islamic authorities to start its operations.

Perhaps with this issue being raised today, more airlines like Rayani will open its doors for them.

MAS stewardess wept for having to serve alcohol, says mufti

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