From Our Readers

Weeks have passed since the plight of two sun bears kept in horrific cages for public amusement at the Tawau Hot Springs, Sabah, was made public. Sadly, despite pressure from Malaysia and as far as the United Kingdom, both bears remain in their cages.

Both are not provided readily available food and water and can be seen pacing back and forth in their respective cages due to immense stress. Apparently the two bears have been in possession of the recreational park owner for years now. Sun bears are a totally protected species in Sabah and cannot be kept as pets. Malaysian Friends of the Animals (MFOTA) asks, how did the owner manage to get hold of both bears? Was it through illegal means?

Both bears must be confiscated immediately and sent to the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) so they may be rehabilitated for possible release back into the wild. It's where people want to see sun bears live and not in a tiny cage.

Torturing the two sun bears paints a bleak image of wildlife tourism in Sabah and our country in general. Countless animal lovers from around the world have expressed their outrage over this matter.

What the bears are forced to endure daily is absolutely cruel and inhumane. MFOTA urges the Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Masidi Manjun to order the Sabah Wildlife Departmentt to confiscate the two sun bears urgently.


JENNIFER YEAP is with Malaysian Friends of the Animals.

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