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Let us look back over the years

All the agony, all the tears

In this land of ours

The scandals which were enormous

The Bumiputera Malaysia Finance

The scandal that got out of hands

Billions lost at our expense

When loans were given to friends

Jalil Ibrahim was murdered

He knew too much it was rumoured

His body was discovered

But the truth remained covert

Two dollar Maminco was created

To control tin price it was intended

Still the tin price went absurd

Billions lost was never expected

Bank Negara Malaysia made a loss

Played Forex like George Soros

RM30 billion were lost

All at taxpayers cost

Perwaja came to the fore

Industrialisation was the core

Losses made but still they want more

Our money to save the iron ore

Crony Eric Chia appointed to rescue

To make profits that was overdue

But it became more ‘haru biru’

RM10bil lost our money too

Then we have Petronas

To save our country’s ass

Konsortium Perkapalan losses amassed

Whose company, make a guess

Paid out by the billions

As instructed by those lions

We became servile minions

Even if we lost trillions

MAS shares at eight ringgit

Were sold to a so called pundit

At less than half the price of it

Tajudin Ramli the name of the culprit

MAS got worse

And it burst

As usual, bail out we must

To save it from further rust

Now we have PKFZ

Another money making target

By those idiots who set

To make as much as they can get

Then came the NFC

RM250 million paid to a minister’s family

Agreement not signed but paid already

The intention to buy cows overseas

Taxpayers money were used

To purchase condominiums we are not amused

That was really an abuse

Don't make it an excuse

They say this is the mother of all scandals

1MDB created by those rascals

Should we throw at them our sandals

To show disgust at how they handle

Tabung Haji meant to rescue

Do you think they have a clue?

Under instruction, it is true

From you know who

But what have we done?

Just sitting under the sun

All these scandals one by one

We still elect them to run

Then why complain

About the rain

And the pain

We are not going to gain

Our anger all in vain

Because we select them again

Again and again

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