While most other common Malaysians may overjoyed by the acquittal of Anwar Ibrahim, citing a new era of judicial independence among other things, I beg to digress. While I, too, was elated at his release, subsequent occurrences have indicated to me that Malaysians and their reformasi 'hero' have not been so adequately 'reformed' after all.
First of all, why does Anwar still have a Mercedes-Benz? And aside from the allegedly brutal treatment that he received in detention, it seems that he has come out of jail to live the elevated elite status that he had before.
The house in Damansara Heights is still there, as is his VVIP status, judging from the preferential treatment he has received after his release.
What is it about him that empowers him to receive his passport in just several hours? It seems that all administrative due processes have been swept aside just to give him preferential treatment.
For sure, there are many other prisoners who desperately need some form of urgent medical attention. But they have to wait in line for the execution of any governmental administrative action that may pave the way for them. Anwar, as a private citizen, should wait in line like the rest of the rakyat.
What Anwar has gone through is peanuts in comparison to the ordeal average Malaysians have to endure to survive in this land of elite excesses and political big talk.
Malaysians shouldn't be so gullible as to be swept up by the media fanfare of hero worship over Anwar Ibrahim just yet.