I am amazed and bewildered by the blatant misinformation given by the so called 'old boy' and 'parent of an MCKK student' under the title ' Old boys bring rot in Malay College '.

As he was a parent and old boy, the writer must know that the news in Utusan Malaysia last week about MCKK teachers being chased by eight east coast students with parangs was a total fabrication by the reporter.

It is very unfortunate that, corrections made by the school and the Education Ministry did not make as big a news. There was never any parang, no east coast students involved, no eight students were expelled from school, and the 'rambo knives' mentioned were probably scout knives kept by almost all scout members. Besi panjangs are of course everywhere in the school.

I can assure you that there are no organised criminal activities at the Malay College. The 'news' is a total fabrication. If only one reads the Utusan report again with care, one will find that the report was made from khabar angin .


Therefore, it shocked me that instead of correcting Utusan 's report, Fiat Parentia Virtus (FPV) chose to blame some other parties for bringing rot to MCKK.

MCKK boys are generally respectful of their teachers and elders, as true traditional Malay boys would. We are blessed with many dedicated teachers, and especially a warm and gentle headmaster, whom everyone calls ayahanda (father). We are certainly happy that ayahanda was recently promoted but sad that he left the school only a few days ago.

Traditions at Malay College is rather peculiar that it is run by student peers. Teachers will teach in the classes, and of course will come and guide us from time to time. Besides that, old boys too come from time to time and have been involved in the development of students from God knows when. I was told that even Anwar Ibrahim, one of our celebrated old boys, used to come by regularly since his university days, until when he was deputy prime minister to meet and encourage the boys. It is a tradition - I myself will try to continue after leaving school and attaining some success in my career.

Almost all of the poor students in MCKK that do not get scholarships from government are given scholarships by MCOBA (Malay College Old Boys Association) and individual old boys. At MCKK, all parties play their role and complement each other in maintaining the schools' tradition of excellence including students, teachers, old boys, parents and even the Sultan and Raja Muda of Perak.

Old boys that frequent and contribute to MCKK are the responsible ones who sacrifices time, experience and money for the development of the students. I cannot understand in anyway that their sacrifices bring anything but good and glory to MCKK. If STAR of Sekolah Alam Shah haven't got this, I feel sad for them and they should plan to start such a tradition.

By FPV's allegation that old boys come to teach the boys to be defiant and abusive to teachers is akin to alleging that the boys are stupid and cannot think for themselves. I believe that this condescending attitude is the major reason why students would rebel everywhere. Students nowdays are probably better informed than students in their same age group years ago. I do not think that we are so easily swayed by lies be it coming from old boys, teachers, the national press or even Dr Mahathir himself.

FPV claims that so sinister these old boys are that they come to teach the students to be defiant, and taking them to overseas and nearby hotels for excursions on weekends; not suggesting improperness of course (but maliciously insinuating it). This is a total lie and utter rubbish. It has never happened. It is a small school and students generally know what's happening around them. I have not even heard of any teacher being transfered to the 'pedalaman' (interior) at the fancy of these old boys as suggested by FPV.

As impressionable as we may be, we may not be stupid enough to be brainwashed by old boys that come to the school only four or five times a year at most, while we have teachers here all year round. Teachers gain too, when these old boys come, to ask for donations and use of their network for small favours; some teachers were even sent for all expenses paid haj trips.

I am most disappointed and angered by FPV's suggestion for MCKK to close down for it has passed its prime. I can assure him that our tradition of excellence is still alive and intact. MCKK products still go to the best universities in the world, and we are still in the top league for national debates and sports. At the recent national robotics competition, MCKK was champion.

While suggesting the closing of MCKK, he should suggest the same for religious schools and other schools based on language or race. FPV's suggestion is therefore dangerous and malicious indeed. I can never believe that this person who said he is an old boy and parent of MCKK is truly who he says he is.

I am leaving MCKK in a few months time and feel sad that the school's name has been tarnished for no reason. It's demoralising for us students here, who are the ultimate victims of somebody's agenda to discredit elite Malay residential schools. I have been happy here at MCKK, where I can claim all the students as brothers, and that I love the school with all my being. I have no regrets for being here.

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