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National Unity Minister Joseph Kurup suggested recently, “Maybe it’s time we remove the need to state our race on any form in the country.” ( Sunday Star , Feb 23, 2014).

For his information, Yayasan 1Malaysia (Y1M) urged a review of ethnicity in forms on March 2, 2011. We were of the view “that eliminating the ethnic category in certain forms issued by both the public and private sectors will help, in a modest way, to reduce the present preoccupation with ethnic affiliation. It has to be done gradually and with a great deal of sensitivity.”

We made it clear that “since our concern is with ethnicity, a person will continue to state his or her religious status as required presently in certain forms associated with hospital records and the like.

“Similarly, if ethnic statistics are vital for achieving the larger goal of national unity, their continued usage would be justified. For instance, to increase non-Malay participation in the civil service, the police and the armed forces, it would be necessary for applicants to state their ethnic status.

“By the same token, to strengthen the Malay, Indian, Dayak and Kadazan role in certain commercial enterprises in the private sector, the availability of ethnic data becomes indispensable.”

Y1M got in touch with entities in the public and private sectors to persuade them to support our effort to review ethnicity in forms. While some gave their endorsement, there were others who had their reservations. The general public was also divided.

We suspect that the situation today is not very different.

Nonetheless, YIM remains convinced that a review that takes into consideration the imperative need for national integration is still worth pursuing. While it will not resolve the fundamental causes of ethnic polarisation in Malaysia, the reduction of unnecessary and unjustified ethnic categorisation will undoubtedly contribute towards the evolution of a shared Malaysian identity in the coming years.

DR CHANDRA MUZAFFAR is chairperson, Board of Trustees, Yayasan 1Malaysia.

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